Vitamin E: Good for the Skin

Vitamin E is a collective term for fat-soluble substances that cannot be produced by the body itself. Therefore, they must be supplied from the outside through foods such as vegetable oils, nuts or margarine. If too little vitamin E is consumed over a longer period of time, a deficiency occurs. Typical symptoms of such a vitamin E deficiency are digestive disorders, poor concentration, increased susceptibility to infections, and muscle breakdown.

Effect of vitamin E

Vitamin E belongs just like vitamin A and vitamin C to the antioxidants and thus represents an important radical scavenger in our body. Free radicals are aggressive compounds produced by chemical reactions, smoking, stress or exposure to high-energy radiation such as sunlight or X-rays. In the body, they damage proteins, the structure of cells and also DNA. Through its cell-protecting function, vitamin E is said to slow down aging processes and to be able to protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In addition to its effect as an antioxidant, vitamin E is also said to influence the control of the gonads. It is therefore also known as an antisterility vitamin. However, the effects of vitamin E have not yet been clearly proven scientifically.

Vitamin E for the care of the skin

Due to the antioxidant effect of vitamin E, the substance is used in many skin care products. It is said to help improve the skin‘s surface, increase its moisture content and slow down aging processes. In addition, vitamin E is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate the healing of superficial wounds. In addition to cosmetics, the vitamin is also found in sunscreens, as the substance is said to have a sun-protective effect on the skin.

Vitamin E: occurrence in food

According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the recommended daily intake of vitamin E is 12 to 14 milligrams. Other institutions, such as the Berkeley Institute, recommend much higher doses, however. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should generally take in slightly more vitamin E than other people. In addition, the requirement is also increased in smokers, in people with weakened immune systems or heart disease, and in stressful phases of life. Vitamin E is only produced by plants, but it also finds its way into animal foods via the food chain. However, their vitamin E content is significantly lower. Larger amounts of vitamin E are found in vegetable oils such as wheat germ oil, sunflower oil or olive oil, and in cereal germs. The daily requirement can be met, for example, by eating the following foods:

  • 5 milliliters of wheat germ oil
  • 30 milliliters olive oil
  • 50 grams hazelnuts
  • 70 grams margarine

During storage and preparation of food, losses may occur due to light and heat, but usually they turn out relatively small.

Vitamin E deficiency

Vitamin E is found in many foods, yet only about half of Germans manage to meet their vitamin E requirements through food. If too little vitamin E is consumed, the body can initially mobilize reserves in the liver to compensate for the deficit. This is why vitamin E deficiency often only occurs after years of deficiency. Causes of vitamin E deficiency are often disorders of fat metabolism or liver function. For example, vitamin E can no longer be absorbed from the intestine in the case of a disorder of fat metabolism. In addition, vitamin E deficiency can also occur in premature babies. In contrast, a nutritional cause is relatively rare.

Vitamin E deficiency: typical symptoms

If a pronounced vitamin E deficiency is present, it can result in anemia or nerve and muscle degeneration. In addition, symptoms such as digestive disorders, fatigue and poor concentration, increased susceptibility to infections and various allergies can also occur. To correct a vitamin E deficiency, vitamin E capsules can be taken in various dosages. These are often also available in combination with vitamins A and C, which also have antioxidant effects. Allegedly, the high-dose intake of such preparations can prevent diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, muscle and joint disorders, impotence as well as stress and menopausal symptoms. However, this effect is not scientifically proven.In a Japanese study, it has now even been demonstrated that high-dose vitamin E preparations lead to damage to bone substance in mice and rats. Whether these results also apply to humans must be verified in future studies. In general, instead of high-dose capsules, it is preferable to use plant foods with a high vitamin E content.

Vitamin E overdose

Overdosing with vitamin E is not possible through food; only by taking dietary supplements can correspondingly high doses be achieved. If too much vitamin E is taken, however, this usually has no side effects at first. Doses of up to 300 milligrams per day are considered acceptable from a health point of view. Only in the case of a long-term, strong overdose of more than 800 milligrams daily, symptoms such as digestive disorders, nausea, fatigue, headaches, as well as an increased bleeding tendency can occur.