Vitasprint B12


Vitasprint B12® is for over 30 years in Germany established, prescription-free, but pharmacy-requiring medicament, which contains a combination of 500mg Vitamin B12 and the two amino acids Phosphonoserin (40mg) and Glutamin (60mg) and thus to the Vitamin B 12 preparations belongs. Vitasprint B12® is a purely synthetically produced vitamin B12® which can be administered in the form of capsules or drinking ampoules and is sugar-free as well as dye- and alcohol-free. As a dietary supplement, it supports nerve metabolism and promotes cell regeneration, so that performance and concentration, general well-being and motivational power can be increased.


The exact ingredients of Vitasprint B12® are, in addition to vitamin B12, the amino acids DL-phosphonoserine and glutamine, whereby these three main components are precisely balanced in terms of their dosage and effectiveness. In addition to these ingredients, Vitasprint B12® also contains purified water, D-mannitol and a sorbitol solution as well as sodium methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate and sodium hydroxide. Vitamin B12 is one of the obligatory water-soluble vitamins that cannot be produced by the human body itself, so it is dependent on external supply through food (animal products such as meat, fish or eggs).

As an important cofactor for certain enzymes, vitamin B12 has an essential task in cell division and blood formation (formation of red blood cells) as well as for the correct functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Vitamin B12, which is taken in with food, is initially bound to food proteins, from which it is split off in the stomach by gastric acid and coupled to the intrinsic factor (transport protein) formed in the stomach. The vitamin B12 intrinsic factor complex can then be absorbed into the blood in the small intestine, then stored in the liver or muscles or made available directly to certain cells.

Between 1.5g and 3g of vitamin B12 are required daily (figure for adolescents and adults), although 26% of women and 8% of men do not reach the recommended daily dose. A lack of vitamin B12 can become unspecifically apparent, for example through increased fatigue, lack of drive and exhaustion, paleness, concentration and memory problems. Phosphonoserine as an amino acid derivative, is an important building block for the formation of proteins and phospholipids, both of which are essential for the production of new cell membranes, e.g. of muscle and nerve cells.

A sufficient occurrence in the body ensures the development of nerve and muscle cells as well as the optimal conduction of stimuli in the nervous system and the brain. A lack of phosphonoserine can therefore lead to defective stimulus conduction with concentration and muscle coordination disorders. Glutamine as a mono amide, is another amino acid that is mainly contained in foods such as dairy and soy products.

Its function is to support water storage in cells and thus the increase in volume of cells under physical stress, which in turn is a signal for an increased production of proteins and glycogen. In stressful situations, it thus prevents the breakdown of muscle tissue and at the same time supports the ability to regenerate overnight during sleep. In addition, glutamine can be converted into glutamate in the central nervous system, which in turn serves as a chemical messenger in the brain. Both amino acids, phosphonoserine and glutamine, can be produced by the body, so that the human body does not depend exclusively on their supply through food. However, a deficient or faulty diet can quickly lead to a shortage of supply, as the body is not able to produce the amount of amino acids that are actually needed throughout the day.