Vividrin® acute nasal spray

Introduction – What is Vividrin Acute Nasal Spray?

The Vividrin acute nasal spray is an anti-allergic/antihistamine used for hay fever. Vividrin contains 0.14 mg of azelastine hydrochloride as the active ingredient per spray. This blocks the histamine receptors in the body that are responsible for triggering the allergic reaction, thus reducing the allergy symptoms. In addition, azelastine has a stabilizing effect on immune cells, resulting in less histamine being released.

Indications for Vividrin® acute nasal spray

The indication for Vividrin® Acute Nasal Spray is for seasonal or year-round allergic rhinitis such as hay fever. The active ingredient azelastine can also be used as eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis. Vividrin® acute nasal spray is available over the counter and does not require a prescription from a doctor. You can learn more about this topic here: Medicines for hay fever

Vividrin® acute nasal spray for hay fever

Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is a general overreaction of the immune system to certain plant proteins of the pollen released by the plants and grasses in the environment. It causes symptoms such as itchy eyes and a stuffy, runny nose. Drugs such as Vividrin acute nasal spray help to weaken the immune response and thus also the symptoms of hay fever.

Active ingredient and effect

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is one of the type I allergies (immediate allergy) and is the most common form of allergy. After a few seconds or minutes the immune reaction to the allergen is clearly noticeable. Before an allergic reaction occurs, a sensitisation must first be carried out, i.e. the first contact of the allergen with the body, whereby this usually occurs without symptoms.

Through the first contact with the allergen, certain messenger substances (interleukin-4) are released, which in turn activate the so-called B cells. These B cells then produce specific IgE antibodies against the allergen. IgE antibodies bind to mast cells after their production and become active antibodies.

On renewed contact with the allergen, the binding of the allergen to the antibody leads to a massive release of inflammatory messengers such as histamine and prostaglandins, which are responsible for the allergy symptoms. Active ingredients such as azelastine belong to the H1 antihistamines and block the histamine receptors to prevent the symptoms mediated by them. In addition, azelastine stabilizes the mast cells to reduce the release of histamine. The symptoms should improve significantly with the use of Vividrin Acute Nasal Spray.

Side effect

When using Vividrin Acute Nasal Spray, various side effects may occur. One of the most common side effects is a usually bitter taste on the tongue, which can cause nausea. Rare side effects are irritation of the already inflamed nasal mucosa as well as burning and tingling of the nasal mucosa. Furthermore, increased sneezing and nosebleeds may occur. Very rare side effects are skin rash and hives as well as tiredness, dizziness and exhaustion.