Vocal Frenulum Spasm (Laryngospasm): Prevention

To prevent laryngospasm (laryngospasm), attention must be paid to reducing individual risk factors.Behavioral risk factors

  • Parental smoking

Preventive measures

The following measures usually prevent iatrogenic (ancient Greek “produced by the physician”) laryngospasm:

  • Insertion of a Guedel tube (oropharyngeal tube(revenge tube; used to keep the upper airway open) or intubation (insertion of a tube (hollow probe) through the mouth or nose to secure the airway) under too shallow anesthesia should not be performed.
  • In case of suspected foreign body or surgery in the oropharynx, suction always under laryngoscopic view.
  • Before extubation careful cleaning of the oral pharyngeal space.
  • Do not extubate (remove endotracheal tube/respiratory tube) in the excitation (arousal) stage!