Walnut: Dosage

Walnut leaves are mainly processed for external treatment in the form of baths, rinses, ointments and hair care products. To prepare poultices and lotions, 5 g of the drug can be boiled with 200 ml of water. For internal use, the leaves are available in dragee form in combination with other drugs in a few cold remedies. Walnut is further found in some tea blends.

Walnut – what dose?

The average daily dose for poultices and partial baths is 2-3 g of the drug mixed with 100 ml of water.

Walnut: preparation as a tea

To prepare a tea, 1.5 g of the finely chopped walnut leaves (1 teaspoon is about 0.9 g) is mixed with cold water, boiled briefly and strained after 3-5 minutes. For supportive therapy of skin diseases, one cup of the tea can be drunk 1-3 times a day.

Special notes

  • Especially for itchy rash in children, the combination with field pansy herb for use in the form of compresses, baths and washes can also achieve positive effects.
  • The drug should be stored dry and protected from light.