Washboard stomach with 40 | Washboard stomach

Washboard stomach with 40

While the percentage of body fat in a normal-weight twenty-year-old is approximately 14% -18% (for women between 27% – 30%), it increases to 22% – 24% for men over the age of 40 (33% – 36% for women).However, the necessary body fat percentage for a washboard stomach remains constant even at 40 years of age. The consequence is a larger training range with 40 years. In addition, the metabolism is no longer the same as it was at 20.

Special attention should then be paid to proper nutrition. Endurance sports also become even more important. Here, excess calories are burned sufficiently and the basal metabolic rate is increased.

With the correct training extent and the suitable nutrition nothing stands to the washboard belly also with 40 years in the way. It requires only a larger expenditure of work. A natural disadvantage at the age of 40 is the degenerative wear and tear of the active and especially the passive locomotor system.

It starts to hurt more often in the joints or the musculature needs longer to regenerate. A short warm-up program at the beginning of the training is advisable for this. Also the stretching at the end of each unit should be done with increasing age.

If all these aspects are taken into account when training for a washboard stomach at 40, this hurdle will not pose any further problems either. It is important to have a healthy ambition at the age of 40. It does not help anyone to want to reach their goals in pain.

If the pain becomes only once chronic and shows clinical remarkablenesses, the necessary recovery time extends back out and thus also the goal washboard belly with 40. The correct nutrition has up to 80% influence on the washboard belly. It depends not only on the quantity, but particularly on the composition of the nutrition.

The body fat portion for a washboard belly can be lowered thereby substantially more successfully. Meanwhile there is a multiplicity of nourishing methods, of which some function outstanding. In weight training, the low carb diet, the anabolic diet and the volumetric diet are particularly noteworthy.

All of them have the goal of reducing the body fat percentage with a small loss of strength. Strength losses can occur with such nutritional methods, since the composition of all three diets is characterized by a low to very low proportion of carbohydrates and an increased protein content. The Anabolic Diet even includes a significantly increased proportion of fat in the diet.

The background is a low insulin release, which causes the storage of glucose, in the form of glycogen, in the muscle cells. If less carbohydrates are added to the body, no more can be stored and converted into fatty acids. The aim is to activate the opponent of insulin, glucagon.

Its main task is to increase the blood sugar level. However, if there are not enough carbohydrates in the form of glycogen in the muscle cells, the release of the hormone glucagon causes the release of fatty acids. These fatty acids are broken down in the liver into energy-rich ketone bodies and released into the blood, which in turn causes the blood sugar level to rise. This metabolic state is also called ketosis. Gradually, the superfluous fat reserves are thus metabolized and the body fat percentage is reduced to a minimum for the washboard stomach.