Water Birth

In Germany, about 5000 babies are born by water birth every year. This method of birth is a particular form of delivery that takes place in a birthing tub filled with water. There are advantages for the pregnant woman and the unborn baby as a result of water birth.

What speaks for a water birth

A water birth has several advantages. The birth is a very intimate moment. Under the protection of water, the pregnant woman has more privacy and feels more comfortable. In addition, a water birth is less painful for the mother. The birthing mother can relax through the warm water and feels the contractions as less painful. There is weightlessness in the water. This circumstance has a positive effect on the expectant mother’s mobility. The warm water also calms the muscles and can speed up the process of childbirth. Unpleasant side effects of childbirth, such as perineal tears, occur less frequently during water births. For both mother and child, the process is less stressful than a regular birth. If some conditions are met, for example, completion of the 37th week of pregnancy, a water birth can be performed. Water births do not pose an increased risk compared to conventional births when performed properly and when possible contraindications, such as infections with certain viruses, are excluded.

What is the process of a water birth?

A water birth can take place in a birth center, in a clinic, or as an outpatient procedure. However, not every facility has a birthing tub. The pregnant woman can make a conscious decision to use the water method before the birth and get used to the tub in advance. In addition, courses are offered to prepare for the special birthing method. During the entire process, the birthing woman is in the tub. This means that not only the opening and expulsion phases, but also the postpartum phase can take place in this device. The temperature of the water can influence the process. While warm water has a calming effect, especially in the beginning, slightly colder water can have an accelerating effect in a later birth phase. A midwife and, if necessary, a doctor accompany the pregnant woman throughout the water birth. During this time, the baby’s heartbeat and the mother’s contractions are continuously monitored so that immediate action can be taken in the event of a complication. In addition, at least one other person is in the room to help the pregnant woman out of the water as quickly as possible in case of problems. If desired or not otherwise possible, the water birth can be aborted at any time and continued outside the tub. After the expulsion phase, the baby is lifted out of the water after only a few seconds and takes its first breath on its own. Infants do not breathe in until they are at the surface of the water because they have an innate diving reflex. Until then, the child is supplied with oxygen via the umbilical cord. Once the baby is born, it is cleaned and weaned from the mother, as in a regular birth. The postpartum period, during which the placenta is shed, can also be performed in water.

Prerequisites for a water birth

There are several prerequisites that should be met in order to perform a safe water birth. It is important that the 37th week of pregnancy has already been completed. In addition, the child should lie normally in the uterus. Unborn babies in breech position should not be delivered via water birth. The danger is that in the water in this case there is not enough visibility for the obstetricians to prevent possible complications. In addition, it should be ruled out that the mother is expecting twins. Furthermore, water birth is not recommended if peridural anesthesia becomes necessary. Peridural anesthesia, or PDA for short, refers to the anesthesia of regions close to the spinal cord for the purpose of a painless medical procedure. Under an epidural, the mother cannot leave the tub on her own in case of difficulties during childbirth. Therefore, experts advise against giving birth in water under this anesthesia. In addition, it should be ensured that the baby has a normal heartbeat. If the heart rate is irregular, a conventional birth is preferable, as the midwives and doctors can take care of the baby faster outside the tub. Another requirement is that there were no infections during pregnancy.It is also important that there are no pre-existing conditions such as infection with hepatitis B virus or diabetes mellitus.

What does a water birth mean for the child?

A water birth is more comfortable for the baby than a regular birth. It is warm in the body and in the amniotic fluid. Accordingly, a birth in warm water instead of air is a small temperature difference and associated with less stress. Water also has a dampening effect. The child initially perceives light and sound only in a diminished form, which is less stressful. Any tensions the child may have are also released more easily in the water than in the air.

What are the risks of water birth?

A water birth carries very few risks for mother and baby. It can be dangerous if a water birth is performed despite a contraindication, such as a breech presentation of the baby. The fear that the newborn could inhale too much water in the tub and swallow it is unfounded. Due to the diving reflex that is innate in all infants, the child will not inhale until it reaches the surface of the water. Infection of the child by leaking blood during birth is also very unlikely. Water birth is already a recognized alternative method to traditional birth in bed. If all safety checks are done properly and the requirements for such a birth method are met, it poses no more risk to mother and baby than a regular birth.