Water: Intolerance & Allergy

The basis of all life is water – “from heaven it comes, to heaven it rises…”- already Goethe wrote in his wonderful poem about water. Water is habitat for an infinite number of plants and animals. In order for it to be available for biodiversity and sustainable use in the long term, it is essential that water is treated with care and effectively protected. After all, it should be available for food, as a source of energy or for daily hygiene for a long time to come.

What you should know about water

The human body consists of 50-70% water, the blood even 90%. The functions of water in our body are very diverse and important. The origin of water could not be clearly clarified until today. Geologists could prove so far on the basis of the oldest rocks only that water existed already 4 billion years ago on earth. What was before that can only be assumed – some theories about the origin of water have been established – but remain theories. Since the surface of the earth at that time was furrowed by craters and no continents existed, the theory was set up that over the numerous volcanoes from the earth interior water had been outgassed. After the earth then cooled, the accumulated water vapor could have condensed in the atmosphere and led to a rainy season lasting several thousand years. The liquid wet could also have been caused by collisions with comets, because hydrogen is also released by such an impact. Until today it remains theories and no complete knowledge. The today’s earth surface has to show a component at 71% water. As fresh water only 3.5% are present, the very largest part are the oceans with their salt water. From the 3,5% fresh water 1,8% are not usable, because they are bound in glaciers, as ice in the poles and in permafrost soils. Germany has 188 billion cubic meters of water, which is renewed annually – only 17% of it is used in this water-rich country. The public water supply takes only 5.1 billion cubic meters, which is only 2.7% of the available resources. Drinking water in Germany is obtained about 30.5% from surface water and 61.3% from groundwater, the rest is obtained from springs. Spring water is groundwater that comes to the surface by itself and is called groundwater if it is extracted from a depth of at least 50 meters. Water from dams, lakes and other flowing waters is called surface water. Water can taste and act very differently. The many different tastes go from salty to fruity or bitter, sour and even sweet. There is water with a very low mineral content and water with a strong mineral content, which is very quickly recognized when tasting different waters. Strong and spicy tastes a water with high mineral content.

Importance for health

Water plays a central role in health, and drinking the highest quality water possible is an important foundation for quality of life. Water is one of the most important nutrients for the body and not just a simple thirst quencher. The human body consists of 50-70% water, the blood even 90%. The functions of water in our body are very diverse and important. Through sweat, body excretion and respiration, the body loses about 2.5 liters of fluid daily, for example, and thus also of minerals, which can be replenished through timely drinking. Metabolic toxins such as lactic and uric acid, are quickly removed by drinking water. Furthermore, water has the function of transporting oxygen and nutrients to the cells via the bloodstream so that they can perform their functions optimally. The immune cells are stimulated, in addition the brain cells are better supplied with blood and can work more effectively and also the muscles work more powerfully and faster by a sufficient supply with water. Water also shows its healing effects when applied externally. Everyone knows the water treading of Sebastian Kneipp, which was later recognized as a healing function for the body and to promote health. During gymnastics in water, the body weighs only ten percent of its own weight, thus protecting ligaments and joints.Different strength showers and moving against the water resistance train the muscles and the tissues are massaged and thus better supplied with blood – neck cramps are released, for example.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Important companions of water are its ingredients and nutrients. Different waters are enriched with different amounts of minerals. In older people, children or during pregnancy, there is a higher need for calcium, a calcium-rich mineral water with at least 150 milligrams per liter is required in these cases. In case of calf cramps or concentration difficulties, a magnesium-rich mineral water is recommended. The liquid supplier water provides the body with the minerals magnesium, calcium and sodium and with natural carbonic acid.

Intolerances and allergies

There are also incompatibilities and allergies with water – but decidedly rare and there is little evidence. There is a contact allergy called aquagenic urticaria. When water gets on the skin there is wheal formation and very itchy rashes that are very painful. It is thought that this allergy is due to increased histamine levels in the blood, which may be a result of penicillin exposure. Water is actually free of allergens, it can only be directed against substances dissolved in the water. Carbonic acid in mineral water can sometimes cause unpleasant flatulence and belching.

Shopping and kitchen tips

Water can actually be kept indefinitely if well sealed. If it is to be stored for a long period of time, it is better to store it in glass bottles than in plastic bottles. Water is a natural product and is not sterile, thus also prone to spoilage if foreign substances get into it. In every natural spring there is microflora, which can spread unhealthily due to heat or too much light. To ensure that quality is not compromised, a dark, cool and dry place is best for storage.

Preparation tips

Mineral water is used to prepare most cocktails today, because the mineral water gives them a pleasant lightness, especially non-alcoholic drinks become refreshingly sparkling and in modern cuisine it also has a permanent place. To replace fats or to refine and intensify the flavor of dishes, gourmets use mineral water. Scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes become fluffy due to carbonic acid, vegetables lose less color if they are steamed in mineral water. In a coated pan, fat can be dispensed with, meat and fish can be seared wonderfully in water. Water with various ingredients serves as a healthy and tasty drink. Ginger water stimulates the metabolism and helps against constipation, lemon-currant water is decorative and refreshing, and a detox water with blueberry and orange has a detoxifying effect. A punch bowl is a cult drink especially in summer, with or without alcohol, it is an ideal refreshment at the summer party.