Water Lily: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The water lily is a popular ornamental plant for the garden pond because of its large, white and decorative flowers. As a wild plant, the water lily is a protected species. Science lists the beautiful plant under the name Nyphaea alba. Known are the white water lily, pink water lily and yellow water lily.

Occurrence and cultivation of the water lily

The flowers of the water lily reach a diameter of twelve centimeters, they have a pleasant fragrance, close to the evening and in humid weather. In common parlance, the ornamental plant is also known as water lily, water rose and pond rose. The perennial plant belongs to the Nymphaeaceae family (water lily family) and to the genus of water lilies. It grows all over Europe up to the Ural region and prefers old waters of rivers, lake bays and calm ponds. Flowing and stagnant waters with humus soil are an optimal food source. It can grow in water depths up to three meters. Nutrient-rich waters up to 1.5 meters deep provide optimal growing conditions. The seeds, roots and flowers are used. The dark green leaves float on the surface of the water, and the white and large flowers bloom throughout the summer months. The flowers are internally filled with an orange flower core and the stamens also glow a rich orange color. The flowers reach a diameter of twelve centimeters, they are pleasantly fragrant, close to the evening and in humid weather. A wax layer on the leaves prevents water from entering flower. Collected in the summer months, but in Germany it is necessary to note the protection of species, because the water lily is a protected species.

Effect and application

Tannins, tannic acid and alkaloids act as medicinal substances. They have hemostatic, sedative, antiseptic, astringent, analgesic, emollient, sedative and analgesic effects. Used internally, water lily helps against cough, bronchitis, stomach problems, kidney diseases, oral mucosa inflammation, bladder weakness, insomnia, heart weakness, headaches and anxiety. Internally, Nyphaea alba is effective against minor burns, boils, wounds and abscesses. Poultices, baths and ablutions with the plant components of the rhizome have a positive effect on inflamed wounds, minor burns and abscesses. An infusion used as a rinse is suitable for use in inflammation of the mouth. A tea prepared as a powder from the rhizome helps with headaches, diseases of the urinary system and cough. A tea prepared with one tablespoon of dried petals per cup treats restlessness and anxiety. The nupharidine and alkaloids and the yellow pond rose (Nuphar luteum) stimulate blood vessels and smooth intestinal muscles. As a herbal mixture, the water lily ingredients are also available in pharmacies or herbal stores. In this regard, however, it is important to note that the ingredients of the water lily have a slightly toxic effect, which can cause vomiting, nausea and headaches. Therefore, it is not advisable to use the naturally left and unprocessed plant components on one’s own. The safe way is to resort to ready-made herbal mixtures, Bach flowers or homeopathics. Homeopathy uses the plant components in highly potentized form as globules or tablets. In this field, the fragrant water lily (Nymphaea odorata), which is related to the white water lily, is used. The common potencies are D6 to D30. Pink water lily is used as a Bach flower essence. Both natural remedies strengthen the inner attitude to life, give strength to cope with everyday life and register a relaxing effect.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

The main alkaloid, nupharidin, has a psychogenic effect and can cause hallucinations and intoxication similar to cannabis when the natural plant substances are used. Since the water lily is a protected species in Germany, its natural plant constituents are not used in naturopathy because collection is consequently prohibited. People for whom the administration of the homeopathic or Bach flowers of the white and pink water lily is indicated tend to daydream and are poetically inclined. They quickly feel overwhelmed with the daily stresses of family and work often, long for people who will protect them, take care of them and make decisions for them. They have an artistic and spiritual vein and are rather not suited for scientific and economic professions.They are daintily built and have a weak immune system. They lack energy and drive, decisions are often delayed. Homeopaths recommend Nuphar luteum (Yellow Water Lily) to their male patients for sexual weakness due to illness and age, as well as for discomfort with bowel movements and chronic headaches. These patients are restless, register strong suffering and high empathy. How differently one and the same plant can act in different people and complaint patterns is shown by the fact that a homeopathic remedy from water lily can also act in sexual overstimulation in very restless and active people. Therefore, before taking alternative medicines, it is important to know the individual complaint pattern or to have it clarified by a homeopath in order to avoid getting into drug testing. This is always the case when homeopathic medicines are taken on one’s own responsibility and without the appropriate expertise. Medicines taken incorrectly can, in the worst case, aggravate the symptoms, have a counterproductive effect on other medicines taken or cancel out their effect. Undesirable side effects, which have a harmful effect on health, occur only in the case of known sensitivity to one of the ingredients. In the form of homeopathic medicines and Bach flowers, however, the water lily is harmless, because medicinal plants work differently than drugs from conventional medicine. They do not consist of an artificial active ingredient, but provide a wide range of different plant components with different effects. Most plants list bitter substances, flavonoids, tannins and essential oils, which only have a harmful effect on health if these ingredients come into contact with the human organism in a non-isolated form. Medicinal plants such as water lily record positive side effects as long as they are used with proper expertise.