Wear compression stockings | What to do if your blood pressure is low?

Wear compression stockings

Wearing compression stockings is advised for various conditions, including low blood pressure (hypotension). Compression stockings compress only the lower legs or also the entire legs, depending on the model. This also compresses the venous vessels of the legs, so that less blood is lost in the legs.

Instead, the return of blood to the heart is supported. In this way, the circulation is stimulated overall. Compression stockings are not only recommended for hypotension, but also for people with varicose veins (varices), weak leg veins or a tendency to thrombosis. For this reason, they are worn prophylactically after an operation or a long journey by plane.

Medicines for low blood pressure

Low blood pressure (hypotension) is usually not treated with medication. In contrast to high blood pressure (hypertension), it does not pose a risk of heart attack or stroke. In addition, there are a number of simple measures that patients can take themselves to raise their blood pressure.

These include drinking a lot, eating more salty food and taking alternating showers. In the most extreme case, low blood pressure leads to a temporary loss of consciousness (syncope). If the symptoms become more severe and the patient suffers, for example, from increased dizziness, impaired vision or regularly faints, a medication is prescribed.

This is usually a sympathomimetic drug, such as Effortil®. This means that the drug has the same effects as the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system belongs to the autonomic nervous system, i.e. a part of our nervous system which we cannot control.

It is the stress system of our body, which is activated in case of danger or stress. In addition to an increased heart and breathing rate, this also includes an increased blood pressure. Accordingly, the blood pressure is generally increased by taking such a drug, although side effects such as tachycardia or increased sweating are also to be expected.

Overall, such a drug has a systemic effect, i.e. on the entire body. Due to this fact, this medication should be discussed in detail with the treating physician to avoid possible complications. There are various so-called home remedies that are supposed to increase low blood pressure.

The advantage of home remedies is that they have a natural origin and therefore, unlike drugs, are not produced synthetically.As a result, they are not foreign to the body, usually have no side effects and are metabolised normally. Various products are suitable for raising blood pressure. On the one hand, foods containing caffeine are considered to be beneficial in raising blood pressure.

Besides Coca Cola and coffee, a green tea is best suited. Green tea contains not only caffeine, but also theobromine and theophylline. All three ingredients stimulate the nervous system and thus increase blood pressure.

Another drink that has a positive effect on blood pressure is beetroot juice. Furthermore, if you have low blood pressure, it is also recommended to consume liquorice roots, such as licorice and raisins. In addition to these home remedies regarding the correct diet when blood pressure is low, sufficient exercise is also recommended.

In order to keep the circulation and especially the vessels intact, endurance sports should be done regularly. Cycling or swimming is particularly suitable, as it exercises the legs in particular, but is easy on the joints. Besides often also the vegetable medicament Korodin is used. It can be purchased over the counter in pharmacies and is also used in the treatment of heart failure.