Wearing time of the bite splint | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Wearing time of the bite splint

There are different recommendations for the wearing time of a plastic splint. As protection against excessive teeth grinding, such a splint can be used on a daily basis. On the other hand, the unfamiliar feeling and the additional foreign body in the mouth can increase the grinding of the teeth.

In such a case, the splint should only be worn temporarily during particularly stressful times. In addition to the splint therapy, a causal therapy (psychosomatic therapy) should be carried out. This means that the triggering stress factors should be eliminated and sufficient active stress management should take place, in the form of sports or relaxation exercises.

Only by removing the causes can teeth grinding be treated definitively. In exceptional cases, teeth grinding is caused by a faulty clenching. In this case, malpositioned teeth or faulty dentures (dentures/crowns/fillings) are the cause of the malfunction.

In this case the disturbing factors must be eliminated. Malpositioned teeth can be remedied, for example, by orthodontic treatment or crowning. Faulty dentures must be corrected or new ones made. In all cases, physiotherapy can be useful if the chewing muscles are overstrained.


The main reasons for the development of teeth grinding are strong mental and nervous stresses that are processed by the brain during the night. Special relaxation exercises can be used to treat body and soul. The aim of the exercises is to achieve the greatest possible peace and relaxation for the patient.

Besides yoga, physiotherapeutic measures or meditation, specific psychotherapy can be helpful. In addition, relaxation-promoting methods such as a warm bath, an evening walk or special breathing exercises can help. Self-massages of the jaw muscles using the index and middle finger also contribute to relaxation. Regular use of the above mentioned methods can alleviate symptoms and promote restful sleep.


Osteopathy focuses on the holistic harmonization of the body. Among other things, it focuses on improving the mobility of the skull and the thoracic spine.Existing tensions, joint blockages and malpositions within the body are released and eliminated. The interaction between bones, muscles, nerves and internal organs is improved, which has a positive effect on teeth grinding.