Weaver A, B, C | Broken fibula

Weaver A, B, C

According to Weber, upper ankle fractures are divided into three fracture types (Weber A, Weber B and a Weber C), depending on the position of the fracture in relation to the syndesmosis. In these three fracture types of the upper ankle joint (OSG), the syndesmosis ligament is either intact or injured. If there is a Weber A fracture, the fracture lies below the syndesmosis and the syndemosis is intact (uninjured). In the Weber B fracture, the fracture lies at the level of the syndesmosis, which often causes injury to the syndesmosis. In the Weber C fracture, the fracture lies above the syndesmosis, whereby the syndesmosis is always torn.

Duration of healing with surgery

If an operation is unavoidable due to the severity of a fibula fracture (dislocated, displaced bone parts, tear or even complete rupture of the syndesmosis ligament), the duration of healing of such an injury must be assessed differently from patient to patient. The materials used in the operation, such as screws or plates, can only be removed after complete bone healing in the course of a new operation. After the operation, physiotherapeutic treatment is followed by several postoperative X-ray examinations, which serve to describe the healing process of the fracture. Thus the healing of a fibula fracture after surgery can last up to 18 months or longer.

Duration of healing without surgery

If no surgery is necessary to treat the fibula fracture, e.g. in the case of a smooth, non-displaced (displaced) fibula fracture, the walking cast can be removed after approx. 6 weeks, depending on the healing process. Afterwards, the pain-adapted load of the lower extremity is performed with the help of a physiotherapist.

Sometimes it is necessary to wear an additional ankle joint orthosis for a certain period of time. Also in this case of treatment, the duration of healing of the fibula fracture depends on individual factors of the patient (age, weight, etc.). Therefore, this treatment method can also show quicker results in some patients than in others.