What All is in Sulfur

Sulfur is a mineral that has been known since ancient times. It plays a role in protein metabolism and detoxification; however, excess in the body can cause problems. The substance is found in many protein-rich foods. Find out which foods contain sulfur and what role it plays in our health here.

Sulfur in the body

Sulfur has various functions in the human body: it is contained in amino acids, from which the body’s own proteins are made. Amino acids containing sulfur are important for healthy tendons, bones, cartilage and muscles. In addition, sulfur is an important component of connective tissue.

Hair and nails are particularly rich in sulfur.

Sulfur detoxifies

Sulfur is also found in several substances in the human body: for example, in heparin – which inhibits blood clotting – and in coenzyme A, which is essential for energy production in cells. In addition, sulfur is a component of insulin.

In addition, the salts of sulfuric acids (sulfates) play a role in detoxification – harmful substances such as alcohol are bound to them and excreted in the urine.

How much sulfur do we need?

Sulfur is one of the so-called bulk elements, i.e. minerals, of which humans (in contrast to trace elements) require more than 50 milligrams per day. It cannot be produced by the body itself. The amount of sulfur in the body is 40 times higher than the amount of iron. This shows how important sufficient amounts of sulfur are for health.

However, since sulfur is normally ingested in sufficient amounts through food, no data exist for a recommended daily intake.

Dietary intake of sulfur

Sulfur is found in most protein foods because two common amino acids (cystine, methionine) contain sulfur. It is in the following foods, among others:

  • Cheese (Parmesan)
  • Shrimp
  • Maties herring
  • Roast chicken
  • Roast pork
  • Chicken egg
  • Roasted peanuts

Are deficiency symptoms possible?

Sulfur is present in virtually every food, so deficiency symptoms are not expected in adults with a reasonable diet. Therefore, dietary supplements with sulfur are not necessary.

Sulfur overdose

Excess sulfur may occur when large amounts of sulfur-containing foods or foods preserved with sulfur compounds are eaten. This can inhibit the activity of some enzymes.

However, some people react to even small amounts of sulfur dioxide with headaches, as well as nausea, bloating or diarrhea. Intolerances or allergic reactions up to asthma attacks can also occur.

Special about sulfur

Sulfur dioxide destroys vitamin B1 and biotin. If it is ingested at the same time as the trace element molybdenum (especially in offal, cereals), these two substances form insoluble compounds together with copper – with the possible consequence of copper deficiency.

As early as the late Middle Ages, sulfur compounds were used to preserve food. Even today, sulfur dioxide (sulfurous acid, E 220) and its salts, the sulfites (E 221-228), are used as antioxidants and preservatives – for example, in dried fruit, wine, fruit juices or potato dishes.

Sulfur has long been known for its healing properties. It is used primarily as an additive in baths or preparations for external use in skin diseases such as psoriasis and in joint complaints. In naturopathy, amino acids containing sulfur are used to form complexes with heavy metals and thus detoxify the body.