What alternative diets are there to the metabolic diet? | Metabolic diet

What alternative diets are there to the metabolic diet?

Crash diets are a dime a dozen, and almost all of them rely on a high calorie deficit and low carbohydrate intake. Similar concepts can be found in the Kornspitz diet, the military diet, the cabbage diet etc. A sensible, healthy alternative to weight reduction can only be a change in diet that supplies the body with all the important nutrients and can be maintained over a longer period of time.

To lose weight, a calorie deficit must always be met, i.e. the energy supplied by the diet must be less than the amount the body consumes. Particular attention must be paid to the supply of amino acids from proteins, as well as to the supply of essential fatty acids, fiber and vitamins. For many people who want to lose weight, a low-carbohydrate, high-protein (so-called low carb) diet has been proven.

Since this is not a classic crash diet, the health risks are significantly lower and success is ensured in the long term. An example of the low carb diet is the Mayo diet. Eggs, fish and lean meat belong to the main food of this method.

Sugar is only allowed in the form of fruit and vegetables. In a balanced diet, exceptions should also be allowed to motivate and satisfy cravings, as long as they do not go beyond the scope.For many people, so-called mixed diets are suitable here. In addition, one should rely on exercise to increase the body’s energy consumption. Strength training in particular forms strong and slim muscles that burn a lot of energy. You can find more articles on our site about different diets here: Diet

What are the costs of the metabolic diet?

Unlike diets with diet pills or powders, metabolic diets do not involve additional costs due to expensive products from the pharmacy or drugstore. Altogether the week is arranged very meat-heavy, who seizes to high-quality products can reach also more deeply into the bag. In addition there are vegetables and fruit in larger quantities, which can turn out seasonally somewhat more expensively.

However, processed products, sweets, alcohol, restaurant visits or fast food alternatives fall out completely. So if you’ve previously accessed this section, you can save a lot of money here. In general, people eat much less. All in all, the metabolic diet is no more expensive than a normal diet.