What are Actually Trace Elements?

In advertising we often hear the phrase “rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements“. Almost everyone knows that vitamins are important food ingredients that the body can not form itself or not in sufficient quantities. The term minerals is also still familiar to some.

But what are trace elements?

Just like minerals, they are inorganic components needed to build bones, teeth, hormones and blood cells. Depending on their quantitative content in the body, we speak of minerals or just trace elements.

Important trace elements

Trace elements are chemical elements that are required by the organism for vital metabolic functions in small quantities. They must be regularly supplied to the body.

The trace element manganese plays a major role in various physiological processes as a component of more than 60 enzymes. It contributes to wound healing via collagen synthesis. Manganese also contributes to bone development and blood clotting. It is particularly abundant in plant foods. In particular, legumes, whole grains, nuts, dried fruits and tea contain a lot of manganese.

Like manganese, molybdenum is also a component of enzymes as a trace element. Molybdenum is also present in sufficient quantities in all foods, such as grain products, legumes or vegetables, fruit, milk and meat, so that no deficiency symptoms occur with a healthy metabolism.

Chromium, which most people only know as a steel-gray, corrosion- and tarnish-resistant hard metal, belongs to the group of trace elements. Occurring as a trivalent element, it probably enhances insulin action as part of an organic complex, influencing carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Because of its effects on insulin sensitivity, chromium is also thought to have positive effects on athletic performance by increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat mass.

Dietary supply

Anyone who eats a normal mixed diet is normally adequately supplied with all trace elements. Other trace elements that we take in with our daily food include copper, cobalt and nickel.