What are Campylobacter Germs?

Campylobacter bacteria, along with Salmonella, are among the most common causes of bacterial intestinal inflammation (enteritis). Infection with these pathogens is usually manifested by symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain and severe diarrhea. Although the symptoms can sometimes be quite severe, in most cases the disease heals on its own, so that treatment with antibiotics is rarely necessary. Since the germs are transmitted primarily through spoiled food, Campylobacter infections occur more frequently in the summer months.

Transmission of campylobacter germs and routes of infection.

Campylobacter bacteria primarily infect wild and farm animals such as birds, cattle, and pigs. They are then ingested by humans through the consumption of undercooked meat or raw milk. Human-to-human transmission is rare, but infection is possible through infected pets or contaminated drinking water.

After ingestion through the gastrointestinal tract, the germs spread through the intestinal wall, where they form a toxin that triggers the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of campylobacter infection

Two to five days after ingestion of the pathogen, there are initially nonspecific symptoms such as headache, aching limbs and fever. These are then followed by the typical symptoms of Campylobacter enteritis:

  • Severe abdominal pain and cramps
  • Mushy or watery, rarely bloody diarrhea
  • Painful urge to defecate
  • High fever (up to 40 degrees Celcius)
  • Headache and pain in the limbs
  • Fatigue and general feeling of illness

This pattern of symptoms is particularly evident in an infection with Campylobacter jejuni, the main representative of the bacterial genus Campylobacter.

Whereas the related bacterium Campylobacter coli can also cause a course of the disease without characteristic symptoms: In these cases, there is often no diarrhea, but only abdominal pain and fever.

Course and therapy

In otherwise healthy people, the symptoms often subside on their own after seven to 14 days. Therefore, in them, therapy is limited to treatment of the symptoms with painkillers and antipyretic drugs.

If the diarrhea is very severe, the loss of fluids and minerals should be compensated: Therefore, make sure to drink about three liters per day, suitable is still mineral water, sweetened tea and meat or vegetable broth. In addition, special electrolyte solutions from the pharmacy can help to compensate for the mineral deficiency.

Therapy with an antibiotic is only necessary in particularly severe courses and in elderly or weakened patients.

Possible complications of Campylobacter infection.

In rare cases, two to six weeks after surviving a Campylobacter infection, a so-called reactive arthritis can occur as a late consequence. This is an inflammation of the joints, the origin of which is not clearly understood. However, it is assumed that the immune system attacks structures in the joint that are similar to the surface characteristics of the bacteria.

In addition, Campylobacter bacteria are considered to be the trigger of an inflammation of the nerves (Guillain-Barré syndrome), which is also caused by the immune system.

Campylobacter fetus, a very rare subgroup of Campylobacter germs, can enter the blood through the intestine and thus spread throughout the body. This leads to severe clinical pictures such as meningitis, inflammation of the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis), or phlebitis, especially in newborns and immunocompromised individuals.

Prevention of campylobacter infections.

Since the pathogens are mainly ingested through spoiled food, you should avoid eating raw meat as much as possible, especially during the warm season, and pay attention to hygiene when preparing food.

In travel countries with poor drinking water quality, it is advisable to prefer bottled water from stores and avoid drinking tap water.

General hygiene measures such as frequent hand washing – especially when handling animals – also help prevent Campylobacter infection.