What are Enzymes?

Enzymes drive many important biochemical reactions in the body. For example, they convert substances to other substances and break down large molecules. For this reason, enzymes are also known as biocatalysts. They unlock basic building blocks necessary for our bodies from food and are involved in metabolism. In addition to digestion, growth and respiration, they are needed for the transmission of stimuli and many other processes in our body. As regulators and checkpoints, enzymes enable chemical reactions in the body to run smoothly.

Enzymes as biocatalysts

Almost all enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions in our body. Enzymes have many different functions. From digestion to metabolic processes to the translation of genetic material into proteins, enzymes are involved as biocatalysts. Enzymes consist of protein chains. A distinction is made between simple enzymes with only one protein chain and enzymes consisting of several interconnected protein chains. These protein chains are characteristically folded for each enzyme class. Enzymes are often multifunctional. For example, simple enzymes not infrequently perform several tasks in the body. Often, however, some enzymes join together to form a large complex. Within this complex, the individual enzymes interact and regulate each other.

The most important enzymes in the human body

There are countless enzymes in our body. Probably the most basic task is performed by the digestive enzymes. They are responsible for breaking down the ingested food into small basic building blocks such as amino acids, fatty acids and sugar molecules. These building blocks are absorbed into the blood via mucous membranes and metabolized or stored. There are five major groups of digestive enzymes:

Other important enzymes

The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase also plays an important role in the body. It is found mainly in the liver, red blood cells and muscles. If the concentration of lactate dehydrogenase increases in the blood, it indicates anemia. The enzyme troponin T is well suited for detecting damage to the heart. It is released into the blood by the heart muscle during an infarction. Doctors can draw conclusions about the severity of the damage by the amount of troponin T in the blood. Alkaline phosphatase is found in the bones, liver and bile ducts. The enzyme gamma-GT is found in the brain, kidney and liver. Elevated levels of both enzymes in the blood indicate the diseases of the organs in which they do their work.

Enzymes in food

Enzymes are not only found in the body, but are also found in many types of food. Important enzymes that the body cannot produce itself must be supplied in the diet. To absorb enzymes through food, care should be taken to ensure that the food is fresh and raw. This ensures that enzymes do not break down. Enzymes contained in fresh fruits or vegetables help us digest many types of food. Often, not enough enzymes are absorbed through food, so the food is not completely digested because digestive enzymes are missing. Undigested food residues can accumulate in the body in the form of fat or waste products.

Enzyme-rich fruits and vegetables

Vitamins, trace elements and micronutrients are health-promoting and often components of enzymes. Therefore, a deficiency in vitamins is often accompanied by a deficiency in enzymes, which are not provided by our bodies. Natural enzymes can be supplied through fruits, raw vegetables, salads and nuts. Especially bananas, kiwis, pineapple, papaya, figs and pears stand out for their high enzyme content. Enzyme-rich vegetables include broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini.

Bromelain: enzyme in pineapple.

Bromelain is known as an enzyme found in pineapple. The name represents two enzymes found in the fruit. Bromelain has an anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially beneficial for many conditions that are due to inflammation.These include diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, high blood pressure, but also acne and Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, pineapple enzymes help break down proteins from food. The proteins are broken down into their component parts – amino acids – which in turn are needed to build the body’s own cells.

Enzymes in food production

Biocatalysts such as enzymes also play an important role in the production of beverages and food. In countless fermentation processes, enzymes in bacteria convert sugar into acid. This is what makes the consumption of alcohol, cheese, yogurt and baked goods possible in the first place. In cheese production, proteases are used to coagulate milk. Enzymes from lactic acid bacteria benefit the production of yogurt. Enzymes of amylase and protease are used in distilleries, breweries and in the production of baked goods.