What are hepatic signs? | Cirrhosis of the liver

What are hepatic signs?

In liver cirrhosis, the loss of function of the liver leads to so-called hepatic signs. These include the lacquer lip and the lacquer tongue, in which the affected areas are particularly shiny. Superficial thin vessels appear on the trunk; these are called telangiectasias and spider naevi. Around the navel, the superficial veins can enlarge as bypass circulation, in its pronounced form this shows as Caput medusae. A rash develops on the palms of the hands, the fingernails become milky white.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia refers to an enlargement of the breast in men. In the course of cirrhosis of the liver, men also often produce increased amounts of female hormones. This can manifest itself in breast growth, among other things. Typically, gynecomastia occurs on both sides, as it is hormonally triggered and is not based on local functional disorders. You can find out how gynecomastia is treated here: Gynecomastia – How it is treated!

Jaundice in cirrhosis of the liver

Jaundice (icterus) is one of the first signs of liver dysfunction.The accumulation of decomposition products of the blood pigment haemoglobin leads to a yellowing of the eyes (sclerae) and the skin. Typically, jaundice is accompanied by itching, which is also due to the accumulation of bilirubin.

Coagulation disorder in liver cirrhosis

The coagulation disorder in liver cirrhosis is due to a reduced production of coagulation factors. In the liver, especially the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X are produced. If there is a reduced synthesis performance due to liver cirrhosis, the concentration of these coagulation factors in the blood drops and a coagulation disorder develops. This can become noticeable by extensive bleeding due to only minor trauma.

How high is the risk of liver cancer developing from cirrhosis of the liver?

Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic irritation of the liver cells. Typically, this initially leads to the liver trying to regenerate by forming new cells. The more often the cells have to be newly formed and/or repaired, the more likely it is that a mistake will be made.

This can result in a liver cancer cell that develops into an adult tumor. The more advanced the liver cirrhosis is, the higher the risk of liver cancer developing from cirrhosis. What are the symptoms of liver cancer?