What are Tendovaginitis and Tendinitis?

Tendovaginitis comes from tendon = tendon, vagina = vagina and -itis = inflammation: tendonitis. Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon and tendovaginitis is the inflammation of the tendon sheath, usually triggered by overexertion or friction during repeated monotonous movements. Classics include typing or sports such as tennis or basketball. The resulting inflammation causes thickening of the tendon or narrowing of the tendon sheath.

Tendovaginitis of the wrist

Normally, tendons move smoothly within their sheath, the tendon sheath. Inflammation now causes the tendons to not slide without resistance during movement – resulting in pain, redness, and swelling. Most often, tendovaginitis occurs in the wrist, extensor tendons of the fingers and the back of the foot.

With treatment with cold or heat, anti-inflammatory agents or immobilization, the symptoms usually subside. However, problems often recur in the same area.