What are the alternatives to Kijimea® Irritable Bowel? | Kijimea® irritable bowel

What are the alternatives to Kijimea® Irritable Bowel?

In addition to Kijimea® Irritable Bowel, there are a number of other products that also contain strains of bacteria that can improve intestinal health and thus promote healthy digestion. These so-called probiotics differ in part in the type of bacterial cultures they contain. In addition, there are many other alternatives that are suitable for treating the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

For example, those who suffer primarily from constipation should ensure a sufficient fluid intake, plenty of exercise and a diet rich in fibers (vegetables, fruit, whole grain products). A change in dietary habits usually also has a positive effect on other possible complaints such as diarrhea or flatulence, making it an important and effective alternative to taking preparations such as Kijimea® Irritable Bowel. However, there is nothing to be said against combining the intake of the product with a change in diet.

How long is the duration of intake

The manufacturer of Kijimea® Irritable Bowel recommends taking the product for at least four weeks, but better over twelve weeks. A first improvement of the symptoms can be expected after about one week of use. However, if the symptoms do not improve after four weeks or even worsen early, it is better to stop taking the capsules.

Taking during pregnancy – is that possible?

Kijimea® Irritable Bowel can also be taken during pregnancy. There are no findings or indications that speak against taking the capsules during pregnancy or lactation. However, as with all other products, the product should only be used if it has a beneficial effect on the symptoms. In addition, a pregnant woman with abdominal pain or pronounced digestive problems should be examined and advised by a doctor to be on the safe side.

Prescription of Kijimea® irritable bowel

Kijimea® Irritable Bowel is a non-prescription product. It can therefore be purchased without a prescription, for example, at your local pharmacy or alternatively ordered from an online pharmacy on the Internet.