What are the causes of ectropion? | Ectropion on the eye

What are the causes of ectropion?

There are several factors that can cause ectropion. Most often, the ectropion is caused by a too low muscle tension (tone) of the eye ring muscle (Musculus orbicularis oculi), which causes the eyelid to roll outwards and droop. Since this muscle is controlled by the facial nerve, paralysis of this nerve can also lead to ectropion (ectropion paralyticum). But also scars in the eyelid area, which lead to shrinkage, can cause an ectropion (Ectropium cicatriceum). Furthermore, the development of an ectropion has also been observed after eyelid surgery, e.g. for cosmetic purposes.


The prognosis of the ectropion is good with timely treatment. Often several operations are necessary. One should also not miss to treat a possible existing conjunctivitis with eye ointments. As a prophylaxis of the ectropion, the patient can be advised to wipe away tears not downwards but inwards upwards.