What are the costs of Dinner-Cancelling? | The Dinner-Cancelling

What are the costs of Dinner-Cancelling?

By saving a meal, not only calories but also food costs can be saved. With Dinner Canceling it is normally not necessary to buy food supplements or other preparations. A condition is, one leads over the remaining meals sufficiently essential nutrients to itself. These meals should also not be more sumptuous than usual for the slimming effect and thus not represent an additional financial burden.

Side effect of the diet

Proponents of dinner cancellation or evening fasting often point to a natural anti-aging effect of the method. According to this, the hormone level of the body is positively influenced and the fat burning is additionally stimulated. Besides the method brings in addition, negative concomitants with itself: Many humans suffer from ravenous hunger attacks and feel by the short chamfering interval in the evening less efficient.

Above all sporty activities can be limited thereby, which is detrimental to losing weight. In addition, social events associated with eating or drinking are avoided and can thus reduce social interactions. In cultures such as Spain or Greece, where the evening main meal is the most important meal of the day, family frictions can also occur. Those who also eat an unbalanced diet throughout the day risk health problems such as nutrient deficiencies and associated deficiency symptoms.

Criticism of the diet

Although dinner cancelling is simple to implement and easy to understand, it does not necessarily promote a long-term balanced and healthy eating behavior. By skipping a meal, calories can be saved and weight lost, but the person willing to lose weight is not really trained to critically rethink his or her eating habits.Anyone who wants to eat a healthy diet, achieve a stable weight in the long term, and have a strong body that is capable of performing well into old age, has to deal with healthy nutrition and exercise. Those who continue to practice unhealthy eating habits and simply skip a meal do not benefit from the positive effects of a healthy diet: Fat-rich, sugary meals make tired and sluggish, often lead to ravenous appetite and blood sugar fluctuations and can also have a negative effect on the health of heart and circulation. Even the development of cancer is discussed in connection with unhealthy nutrition. Dinner cancelling can of course lead to weight loss, but it does not guarantee a healthy and balanced diet in the long term.