What are the cross-allergies in animal hair allergy? | The animal hair allergy

What are the cross-allergies in animal hair allergy?

Cross-allergies are the sensitization to different allergens due to a pre-existing allergy. If two allergens are similar in their structure, it is likely that many people will develop an allergy to both substances. Animal hair allergies can lead in particular among themselves to cross allergies. Whoever has an allergy to cat hair probably also suffers from an allergy to the hair of other animals. The characteristics of the cross-allergies are however individually very different, depending on the type of allergen, the hair loss of the animal and numerous other factors.

Cat hair allergy

Many people are affected by an allergy to cat hair. An allergy is a sensitive reaction of the body to certain substances that are theoretically harmless. The immune system mistakenly considers these substances as harmful and reacts with defense mechanisms such as sneezing or coughing.

In the case of cat hair allergy, those affected are not allergic to the cat hair itself. The allergy is directed against a protein that occurs in the saliva of the cat. If the cat cleans itself and licks its coat, the proteins get into the animal hairs.

The allergen is distributed throughout the household via the hair. The proteins are very small and can therefore also pass into the air we breathe. Therefore, even a thorough cleaning and reduction of cat hair is of little use.

However, there are some cat species that are suitable for allergy sufferers. They produce altogether fewer allergens in saliva and can therefore be called “hypoallergenic”. However, in the case of a strong allergic reaction, these also trigger the typical symptoms.

A first sign of the cat hair allergy is a sudden sneeze. A cough may also be possible. In close proximity to the cat, itching of the skin with rashes and wheals can quickly occur. In an emergency, the mucous membranes in the throat and pharynx area can swell and lead to a collapse and breathing problems. Such a strong allergic reaction is possible in cats but very rare.