What are the special characteristics of children? | Heart Transplantation

What are the special characteristics of children?

In children, heart transplantation is of particular importance, since in some heart diseases or malformations it is the only therapeutic option for the survival of the child. If the operation is successful, children can in most cases develop normally and lead a normal life. Also the resilience is usually not limited.

However, the donor heart may be damaged in the course of the operation due to rejection reactions, so that in some cases another heart transplantation may be necessary. The average waiting time for a donor heart in children is 180 to 200 days. Heart transplantation in children is an extremely rare procedure.

On average, less than ten such operations are performed in Germany each year. About 19 out of 20 transplanted children are still alive four weeks after the operation. The goal of a heart transplantation is to enable the patient to live as normally as possible afterwards.

Nevertheless, some things have to be considered. The treating physician will provide detailed information about these. Only a few aspects are listed below.

The initial high-frequency check-ups should be attended regularly, and the patient should also record his or her blood pressure, pulse, temperature and weight on a daily basis, if possible, in order to detect a possible acute rejection reaction as early as possible. Furthermore, the immunosuppressive drugs should be taken meticulously as prescribed. Due to possible interactions, the attending physician should be informed about the intake of other medications – including those that are available over the counter in pharmacies or drugstores.

As a rule, there is nothing to be said against returning to work after a period of convalescence (gradual restoration of health after an illness). Similarly, light endurance sports such as brisk jogging, cycling and swimming can be resumed or started for the first time after a few months of rest.There is also nothing against driving a car as long as sufficient rest periods are ensured. As far as nutrition is concerned, sufficient fluid intake is important, alcohol should only be consumed in strict measures.

Nicotine should be avoided completely. Adequate hygiene in personal hygiene and in the household should be ensured, as the body reacts much more sensitively to bacteria due to the immunosuppressive treatment. Potted plants are also a breeding ground for microorganisms, so they should be avoided in the household – or at least in the bedroom.

The immunosuppressive drugs can also lead to an increased light sensitivity of the skin, so sunbathing should be avoided. This is also because they can lead to the development of skin tumors more quickly over a longer period of time than in patients who have not received immunosuppressive treatment. There are different opinions regarding the keeping of pets, especially cats are not without danger for the patient due to a possible transmission of the disease toxoplasmosis. All in all, a normal life should be resumed as far as possible after a sufficient period of rest, but it should always be kept in mind that certain rules of conduct must be followed urgently for one’s own safety.