What are Warts?

Warts are caused by a viral infection, but have less to do with hygiene than with a weakened immune system. Our body’s susceptibility to warts can be triggered by mental stress, excessive physical exertion, pregnancy, serious surgery or certain systemic diseases. However, factors that cause a metabolic disorder or injury to the skin surface are also decisive, creating favorable conditions for infection and increasing the risk of infection.

Who is susceptible to warts?

Susceptibility to warts varies from person to person: Children are particularly susceptible because their immune systems are not yet fully developed, as are people over the age of 50. The risk of infection increases if the skin barrier is already pre-damaged, e.g. by sweat, cold or poor circulation. It is much easier for wart viruses to penetrate thin, dry skin. Extremely contagious are bleeding warts, so it is important not to scratch at a wart.

Where can warts spread everywhere?

There are 66 known wart viruses to date. In most cases, they are common warts that spread anywhere on the body, but preferentially on the hands, feet, and face, as well as under fingernails.

Wart viruses enter the upper layer of the skin through small injuries. After several weeks, skin growths begin to form on the surface of the skin. The viruses multiply and can be released on contact, infecting other areas of the skin or other people.

Warts can also be directly contagious under ideal and humid multiplication conditions.