What can be surgically restored? | How does the vagina change after birth?

What can be surgically restored?

Due to weakness of the pelvic floor, especially after very traumatic births, genital organs such as the vagina or the uterus can descend. In addition, a weakness of the front or rear vaginal wall can cause the bladder or rectum to descend. If this cannot be treated with pelvic floor exercises alone, surgery can be helpful.

The pelvic floor is restored and the organs are brought back into position. In recent years, the use of Vicryl or polypropylene nets has also proven to be a good method. Tears of the perineum and vagina, especially those involving muscles, are sutured under local anaesthetic. Great attention is paid to the aesthetic result, so that the injury is often no longer visible after healing.

What complications can occur?

An undisturbed regression and healing of the vagina does not always take place. There are some complications that can occur. During the postpartum period, the outflow of the postpartum can be impeded.

This can lead to infections and should be treated immediately. If a deeper tear has occurred during childbirth, a scar will form. If this does not heal as usual, a so-called scar hypertrophy can occur.

This is an excessive growth of the scar tissue, which can lead to problems under mechanical stress. Furthermore, the scar can become infected or tear open, especially if mechanical stress is applied again in the form of another birth. If severe pain or fever occurs after a birth, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Due to the heavy strain on the musculature, especially in the pelvic floor area, the holding function can be disturbed. The consequences can be incontinence or a lowering of the vagina or uterus. This is manifested by uncontrolled urine loss or a permanent feeling of pressure in the vagina.

As these complications are treatable, a doctor should be consulted at an early stage. As a result of deep perineal tears and damage to the muscles involved, painful bowel movements or even incontinence can occur. Many complications are often concealed from Scharm. However, most of them can be treated very well, which is why a consultation with a doctor is highly recommended.