What can I do about aphthae in my throat? | Aphtae during pregnancy – Is it dangerous?

What can I do about aphthae in my throat?

Aphtae that are difficult to reach are usually even more tormenting for the affected persons than aphtae in the oral area. They cause discomfort when eating and drinking, but often cannot be easily reached with local treatments. In this case, preparations with special applicators or application aids, for example in the form of a specially shaped spray neck, are recommended.

Such preparations also exist in a form that is compatible with pregnant women. A good example is the GUM® Afta Clear Spray. However, to be sure that a product is also suitable for pregnancy, a doctor or pharmacist should always be consulted.

Are aphthae contagious?

How contagious are aphthae? Aphthae do not always have an infectious cause. Sometimes they develop after the consumption of certain foods, quasi as a kind of intolerance reaction, or through increased stress.

In these cases aphthae are not contagious either. Very often, however, aphthae are also a manifestation that occurs in the context of an infection – usually of the respiratory tract. The aphthae themselves often contain pathogens.

Contact with saliva or coughing and sneezing can transmit pathogens in this case. In most cases, however, it is a simple cold. Aphthae can also be an expression of a herpes infection. Even then, pathogens can be transmitted through contact with aphthae.

How long do they last?

The duration of aphtae during pregnancy varies and depends on various factors. Usually smaller aphtae disappear again after 3 to 5 days. Larger aphtae can take up to 2 weeks to disappear again.

How long the aphtae are actually there also depends on the care of the aphtae and the underlying cause. Aphtae caused by a herpes infection can be somewhat more persistent than other aphtae. Soothing wound gels for the oral mucosa and disinfectant mouthwashes help to get rid of the aphthae as quickly as possible.

Which means may be used?

During pregnancy, not all medicines should be taken, as they may cause potential harm to the child. This also applies to non-prescription products from the pharmacy. Therefore, pregnancy should always be mentioned to the consulting pharmacist so that good advice can be given.

This also applies to products that can be used against pharmacies. Products containing alcohol are not suitable for use during pregnancy. There are, however, a number of products that may be used.

These include, for example, alcohol-free products containing hyaluronic acid. A good example of this is the BloXaphte® product range. Alcohol-free mouthwashes, such as dentaid® xeros moisturizing mouthwash, are also well suited for treating aphthae during pregnancy.

Various household remedies are available for the treatment of aphthae during pregnancy. A frequently recommended household remedy is a mouthwash with chamomile tea or green tea. The tea should be cooled down for the rinse.

The anti-inflammatory and calming effect of the rinse relieves pain and helps the wound to heal. However, one should refrain from using tea tinctures. These are usually made with high-proof alcohol and are therefore not suitable for use during pregnancy.

Another well-known household remedy against aphthae, which may also be used during pregnancy, is tea tree oil. However, it should only be used in diluted form to rinse the oral mucosa. The oil should still not be swallowed.

Other essential oils should not be used during pregnancy. A simple way to alleviate the discomfort caused by aphthae is cooling. Cold water rinses or a cold ice cube, which is sucked like a sweet, can help to relieve the pain and calm the inflammation.