What can you do about it? | Bruise of the finger

What can you do about it?

A contusion requires quick action after the violent impact to keep the extent of the swelling as low as possible. First of all, any kind of sports activity and other stress must be stopped. The blood flow to the hand and finger should be reduced to reduce the extent of the swelling.

To do this, the affected finger should be cooled, preferably with coolants such as ice or cold water. A compression bandage with cooling, decongestant ointments applied under slight pressure can further reduce the swelling. The affected hand should, for example, be held up with an arm sling to reduce blood circulation.

These measures are generally valid for bruises and are known as PECH rules (rest, ice, compression, high positioning). If necessary, the patient should take painkillers, the most suitable are ibuprofen, Voltaren or Diclofenac. Aspirin should not be used because of its blood-thinning effect.

Herbal and homeopathic medicines can support the healing process. After the acute phase, approximately after 48 hours, blood circulation-promoting drugs such as heat or warming ointments can be applied. The most important measure, however, is to spare the affected finger.

A compression bandage is one of the most important immediate measures in the case of finger contusions. The compression bandage should reduce the swelling that occurs. Here, one can resort to anti-inflammatory, decongestant and pain-relieving ointments from the pharmacy.

In the acute phase one should use cooling agents such as eucalyptus or peppermint. Warming agents such as capsaicin are suitable for the later phase of healing.As a household remedy, arnica flowers pickled in alcohol have proven to be effective, as have quark wraps. The bandages should be changed after a few hours.

Pressure bandages and compresses not only have an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect but can also be used to stabilize and protect the finger. Spreading the bruised finger is usually very painful, but it is also possible to bandage additional fingers for support. If possible, the connected hand should first be raised with the help of an arm sling.

Medical splints are used to immobilize traumatized limbs. They can be made of plaster or plastic and are firm or slightly flexible. If the finger is bruised, it may be useful to splint the affected finger.

This immobilizes the affected finger and ensures that the splint is consistently applied. In most cases, not only the affected finger is splinted, but other fingers are added for stabilization. This may make everyday life more difficult, but after a bruise on the finger, immobilization is the top priority.