What can you do against a dumping syndrome? | What is a dumping syndrome

What can you do against a dumping syndrome?

If a dumping syndrome occurs after stomach surgery, general measures can initially help. It is primarily recommended to eat slowly and consciously, although it can also help to take several small meals spread over the day. However, fast eating of large meals should be avoided at all costs.

The symptoms can also be reduced if less fluid is consumed immediately with food. However, it is important to ensure that you drink enough fluids throughout the day. If these general rules of conduct do not help sufficiently, drug therapy can be tried.

So-called anticholinergics, sedatives and beta-blockers are mainly used here. In serious cases, if even taking medication does not provide a remedy, a Billroth I operation can be converted into a Billroth II situation. However, this is only very rarely necessary.


If a dumping syndrome occurs, it is usually well controlled by the rules of conduct already described here. Rather rarely are medicinal or even surgical measures necessary. It is not uncommon for the symptoms to recede spontaneously over time after a stomach operation, so that life without dumping syndrome is possible again after a partial removal of the stomach.