What Causes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?

“Baby found dead in the crib” – such reports are extremely scary for new parents. Even though the causes of crib death have not yet been conclusively determined, quite a few measures are known to greatly reduce the risk. Although the number of children affected has been reduced by more than half since the late 1980s, about 150 children are still found dead in their cribs each year. Particularly disturbing is the point that this situation occurs suddenly and completely unexpectedly out of full health. Even after the fact, no explanation for the death is found.

SIDS, near-SIDS, and ALTE

Slightly more boys (60 percent) are affected, especially in the second to fourth months of life; the risk drops rapidly after nine months of age. Death always occurs during sleep, with most deaths thought to occur in the early morning hours. Most infants die during the winter months.

Another name for sudden infant death syndrome is SIDS, which is an abbreviation of the English term “sudden infants death-syndrome.” There is also near-SIDS (“near sudden infant death-syndrome”) or ALTE (“apparent life-threatening event”). These terms describe a sudden life-threatening condition in the infant from a cause that is usually unknown but, unlike sudden infant death syndrome, was survived.

Causes and risk factors

As before, the exact cause is not known. Numerous theories have been and continue to be discussed, ranging from an immature respiratory drive with prolonged pauses in breathing (which is even more noticeable in the prone position), to impaired conduction of excitation in the heart, metabolic disorders, overactivity in certain nerve cells, to infections (for example, of the respiratory tract) and various bacteria (for example, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) or viruses.

However, there is probably not only one particular trigger, but several unfavorable factors must come together.

Experts largely agree on risk factors that increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, for example, sleeping in the prone position and smoking by pregnant/breastfeeding women. Conversely, this gives parents the opportunity to reduce the likelihood with some preventive measures.

Due to improved preventive care, the number of infants dying from sudden infant death syndrome has decreased to about one-tenth from about 1990 to 2011.

Preventive measures

  • By far the most important measure is sleeping in the supine position. Side sleeping is also risky if turning in the prone position is not reliably prevented. However, once your child turns on his own, you no longer need to force him into the supine position.
  • In addition, to reduce the risk contribute to the use of a sleeping bag instead of an overbed – so the child’s head can not slide under the covers. Use a rather hard mattress and do without “accessories” such as head pillows and sheepskin, preferably also loose fluffy such as nest, spit diaper, cuddly toy near the head.
  • It is important that the room temperature in the bedroom is appropriate, not too high – about 18 degrees Celsius is appropriate. Do not put the bed directly next to the heater. Do not wrap your baby too warm and do not use a hot water bottle or electric blanket! Ventilate well or set up a fan – according to an American study, the risk of sudden infant death syndrome is 72 percent lower in children’s rooms with a fan than in bedrooms without a fan.
  • Sleeping in the master bedroom but not in the parental bed (especially for parents who smoke) also appears to lower the risk.
  • Cigarette smoking during pregnancy and in the child’s household is one of the biggest risk factors, which also potentiates the dangerousness of others. Therefore, smoke-free especially in the bedrooms, preferably throughout the house.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding at least until the fourth month of life not only promote the health of the infant, but also contribute to the protection against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Pacifying also seems to have a positive effect, presumably because it increases oxygen delivery to the brain. However, refrain from using a pacifier chain – your child could strangle himself with it during sleep.