What consequences does it have for the treatment? | What is the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis?

What consequences does it have for the treatment?

In principle, there are two approaches to treating any illness: eliminating the cause and alleviating symptoms. If possible, causal therapy is preferable to symptomatic therapy. Schizophrenia has no clear cause and therefore cannot be treated causally.

Antipsychotics can only be used to control the plus symptoms, but they cannot cure them. Psychoses can also be treated symptomatically with antipsychotics, but some can be eliminated if the trigger is known and treatable. For example, an electrolyte shift can be removed to treat the cause of the resulting psychosis.

Other psychoses, such as those in the context of dementia, have a clear cause, but can still only be addressed symptomatically, as dementia cannot be cured. Thus, many psychoses are treated exactly like schizophrenia to alleviate the symptoms. However, other psychoses can also be causally cured if the trigger is known and its elimination is possible.