What do licorice roots do? | Home remedy for low blood pressure

What do licorice roots do?

The liquorice root contains a molecule that acts like a drug in the human body to increase blood pressure. Thus, the consumption of licorice root can effectively stabilize the blood pressure at a higher level for some time. However, the effect lasts only as long as the molecule is in the body or is not broken down.

Thus, for example, regular exercise is a more sustainable way to raise blood pressure. The best way to consume liquorice root as tea is to pour hot water over it and let it steep for some time. The tea should be drunk several times a day over a longer period of time, as required.

Lemon water to raise blood pressure?

Citrus fruits like lemons contain a high amount of ascorbic acid or vitamin C. This vitamin interferes with the human body’s metabolism at numerous points without its mode of action being fully understood. Because parts of the metabolism of the hormone system are also affected, vitamin C is said to increase blood pressure. However, this has not been clearly proven. It is best to squeeze a lemon into a glass and add water. This also has the positive effect of increasing the volume of fluid in the blood vessels.


Since homeopathy is based on natural substances, some of which are also found in foods such as coffee or tea, a positive effect on blood pressure can be observed when such remedies are used correctly. The instructions of the treating homeopath should be followed. However, as with any therapy, the benefit often depends on the patient’s cooperation and even faith in the success of the therapy. Detailed information can be found under homeopathy for low blood pressure.