What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of? | Protein deficiency

What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of?

Most people cover their protein requirements with animal protein by consuming meat and eggs. However, vegans consciously abstain from animal protein. And one must say completely clearly that also a vegane nutrition can be very protein-rich.

Protein-rich vegan foods include beans, chickpeas and lentils. Tofu also contains protein. This also applies to nuts.

An excellent vegetable protein source is quinoa. This grain provides the body with all nine essential amino acids. It also contains numerous minerals and is gluten-free.

Therefore, there is no need to fear a protein deficiency if you follow a vegan diet. Vegetarians can also have additional access to eggs to cover their daily protein requirements. and vegetarianism

I recognize a protein deficiency by these symptoms

Proteins fulfill many vital functions in the body. Therefore, a protein deficiency is also noticeable by various symptoms. First of all, the body tries to keep the protein concentration in the blood constant, which is why it breaks down muscles that contain a lot of protein.Weight loss occurs.

One feels weak and powerless. Tiredness is also a problem. The immune system also needs protein to function.

The consequences are frequent infections and wound healing disorders. There is also hair loss and many affected people complain about dry skin and brittle nails. If the protein deficiency is really serious, protein deficiency edema also occurs, which is understood as water retention in the tissue.

There is also an increased incidence of ravenous hunger attacks. Because the protein in the blood is necessary to keep the blood sugar level constant. If the blood sugar level drops because there is not enough protein, this is known as a ravenous hunger attack.

Fatigue is a very common symptom. It can have various causes. In addition to the common causes such as anemia, hypothyroidism or depression, there can also be a lack of protein.

In the early stages of a protein deficiency there is still enough muscle protein available. The body now begins to break down this protein. This often leads to weight loss.

The muscle strength decreases. One feels tired and weak. Therefore, if you feel tired, you should definitely remember to check the protein content in your blood.

Hair loss can also have numerous causes. First of all, there is certainly a lack of iron or a malfunction of the thyroid gland. However, protein is also important for the formation of tissue and thus hair growth.

Hair actually consists to a large extent of proteins. One should therefore pay attention to an appropriate protein intake in the diet. In addition, protein-containing hair care products can be used to repair any damage to the hair structure.

Muscle pain is known as myalgia in the technical terminology. They can have numerous causes. In most cases, the causes are relatively harmless.

However, muscle pain caused by protein deficiency should not be underestimated. Protein is a vital raw material for our body. The muscles in particular are a protein-rich tissue.

Therefore, the protein requirement of strength athletes is significantly increased. If, however, there is a protein deficiency in return, the body begins to break down the muscle protein. This can lead to muscle pain.

They can therefore be a warning signal for an impending protein deficiency. Dry and flaky skin is often an indication of a protein deficiency. Hair and nails also suffer from protein deficiency.

Patients often complain of hair loss and brittle nails. Even small wounds in the skin area heal much more poorly because protein is needed to build new tissue. The immune system is also much weaker. Bacteria therefore often have an easy job when it comes to skin infections. It is therefore important for the health of the skin to ensure a sufficient protein supply.