What do you think about eyebrow growth sera? | Growth of eyebrows

What do you think about eyebrow growth sera?

If eyebrows only grow back sparsely or not at all, there are many tips and tools to stimulate growth. Growth serums are also part of this large offer and are now offered by many different companies. The active ingredients in eyebrow serums vary.

Frequently used are substances that are important for hair growth or a firm skin. These include biotin (a vitamin), hyaluronic acid (part of the extracellular matrix, i.e. the space between the cells), panthenol (precursor of a vitamin) or peptides (small proteins). It is controversial, however, whether these substances are absorbed into the body to any great extent at all when applied to the skin.

Prostaglandins are also often used. These are messenger substances (hormones) of the tissue. They stimulate hair growth.

In the body, they mediate the development of fever and pain, among other things. Eyebrow serums containing prostaglandins can cause these side effects. In addition, swellings can occur.

The tolerance should therefore be tested carefully when using such a serum. It should also be noted that there are hardly any clinical studies that prove the effect of eyebrow serums. Therefore it cannot be said with certainty whether any growth can be attributed to the serum.

A kind of placebo effect would also be conceivable. In addition, many serums make the eyebrows appear more groomed and thicker, which can lead to the impression that the hairs have grown faster. Most eyebrows grow back even without serum, as soon as they are no longer plucked.

If you want to let your eyebrows grow, patience is required before you resort to expensive cosmetics. To refrain from plucking the eyebrows may require some effort in the beginning, so it is also possible to pluck the eyebrows only a little at first. Here you can read how to pluck your eyebrows best: Tips for plucking eyebrows

Is it possible to stop the growth of eyebrows?

There are drugs that stop hair growth such as eflornithine. This helps about one third of the users significantly, for another third it causes at least an improvement. Side effects such as itching, burning, pain and acne can occur.

The drug is only available on prescription. Frequent or too long plucking of the eyebrows can damage the hair papilla. This sometimes leads to lack of or delayed growth.

However, this effect is not always achieved and is difficult to control. Permanent hair removal by laser is also possible in the area of the eyebrows. This destroys the hair follicles. Particularly with dark-haired people, however, the hair can grow back over time.

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