What does terminal breast cancer look like? | Breast Cancer

What does terminal breast cancer look like?

The stages of breast cancer are classified according to tumor size, lymph node status and the presence of metastases. End-stage breast cancer is defined as cancer that has metastasized. Metastases are cancer cells that have spread to other organs, such as the lungs or bones.

The size and lymph node status are irrelevant for the classification of the stage. The most frequent metastases are found in the lung or lung membrane, in the bone, liver or brain. End-stage breast cancer, however, does not automatically mean that there is no longer a therapeutic option.

A curative approach is often no longer possible, but there are also good palliative therapy approaches. For tumours with a positive antibody receptor status (Her2-positive), the therapy of choice is immunotherapy, in some cases also with two antibodies at the same time. A hormone receptor-positive tumour would be treated with hormone therapy, for example tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor. Chemotherapy is only given for tumours that are both Her2- and hormone receptor-positive.

What is a breast cancer recurrence?

A recurrence in breast cancer describes a recurrence of a cancer event after successful therapy. Breast cancer can recur locally in the breast area, but it can also appear as a metastasis elsewhere. In about 5 to 10 out of every 100 patients, a local recurrence occurs within 10 years after breast-conserving therapy with radiation.

With mastectomy, the rate is 5 out of 100 patients, i.e. 5%. The risk of metastases is slightly higher. Thus, approximately 25% of all breast cancer patients develop metastases during their lifetime.

What is the degree of disability (GdB)?

After a breast removal (mastectomy) one can apply for a temporary or permanent degree of disability. The degree depends on whether one or both breasts were removed. For unilateral mastectomy a GdB of 40 can be applied for, for bilateral mastectomy 40.

If the breast is reconstructed during the course of the operation, the GdB is reduced by about 10 points. In case of damage caused by the operation or radiation, a higher GdB can be granted.