What happens during withdrawal? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What happens during withdrawal?

Withdrawal from smoking occurs when the body has already become accustomed to the substance, i.e. when a dependency has developed. This happens mainly through regular consumption and can be intensified by excessive dosage. The body and psyche react during withdrawal to the absence of the compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) contained in cannabis, which triggers the intoxication in the user.

The areas of the brain that are targeted by THC have thus become accustomed to the effect of the substance and have downregulated their independent activity. This leads to a sub-function of the corresponding areas, which are for example part of the brain‘s own reward system, when they are renounced. The psychological withdrawal symptoms range from bad mood and consumerism to depression, anxiety, restlessness, irritability and aggressiveness.

In a few addicts, physical withdrawal symptoms such as trembling, temperature changes with sweating and freezing, pain or sleep disturbances are also observed. Withdrawal usually occurs up to 48 hours after the last use. The different symptoms can persist for up to two weeks and vary in strength and severity depending on the individual.

What are the consequences of driving a car?

How smoking weed affects the ability to drive is evaluated differently. The various camps agree that no consumer should participate in traffic within the first hour after consumption, especially during the heavy state of intoxication. The ability to react is limited, situations cannot be reliably assessed and the risk of accidents is increased.

Opinions differ on driving ability after two to three hours.On the one hand, there is the view that a strict driving ban should be imposed as long as one is under the influence of a drug, even if only to a small extent. On the other hand, there is the view that consumers, especially if they do not smoke frequently, drive more carefully after 2-3 hours because the effect has largely disappeared and they are particularly careful. However, the legal consequences of smoking before or during driving are undisputed.

In Germany, the driver’s license is immediately revoked for usually one month and a fine is imposed. In addition, the consumer is obliged to undergo a so-called MPU, a medical-psychological examination. The penalties increase drastically if it is repeated. Regular drug tests may be required, which can often be accompanied by a medical report to check general fitness to drive. Driving disqualification can be extended for up to one year.