What influence does nutrition have on my shoulder arthritis? | Arthrosis in the shoulder

What influence does nutrition have on my shoulder arthritis?

A healthy way of life and thus also a healthy diet generally prevents diseases. Thus, a healthy diet can also delay the development or progression of joint wear and tear. Unhealthy food should be avoided – especially in cases of existing shoulder arthrosis – and thus caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and a lot of sugar should be avoided.

In some cases, a vegetarian lifestyle has been shown to improve the symptoms of shoulder arthrosis. However, whether this helps is very individual and should be tried out. In general, care should be taken to ensure a balanced diet, with sufficient vitamin and mineral intake. Find out here about a suitable diet for osteoarthritis.

Prognosis and prophylaxis

Prophylaxis for the development of arthrosis in the shoulder joint is limited to the earliest possible elimination of secondary causes, such as the surgical fixation of chipped-off bone parts after a shoulder luxation. In the case of known incorrect loading due to weakness of specific muscles, this should be compensated as far as possible. Arthrosis is a progressive, incurable disease.

By means of the conservative therapeutic measures listed above, an approximate freedom from symptoms in low arthrosis stages is possible in many cases. The mechanical processes as well as the shoulder’s ability to bear weight can only be restored to a limited extent. In stages in which endoprosthetic therapy (shoulder prosthesis) is recommended, the chances of success for a satisfactory load-bearing capacity are significantly reduced, especially if the rotator cuff that actually stabilises the shoulder is damaged. If the shoulder joint becomes stiff, everyday activities such as dressing, daily personal hygiene and household chores can often only be managed with help. As with all joints with arthritic changes, the prognosis depends strongly on the patient, the cause of the problem and the individual response to therapy.

What is the degree of disability caused by osteoarthritis of the shoulder?

The degree of disability (GdB) describes a functional impairment that lasts for more than 6 months and is not age-related. The effects of the restriction are evaluated with points. The effects include not only the restriction of movement but also participation in social life.

A handicap exists if the GdB is over 20. For example, if the arthrosis has resulted in a joint replacement, the GdB is at least 20. If the movement restriction due to arthrosis in the shoulder joint has progressed so far that the arm can only be raised by 90 degrees, the GdB is also 20.

Many other criteria, such as permanent (chronic) pain, are taken into account in scoring. If a degree of disability is determined, it can lead to a claim for assistance or compensation for disadvantages such as protection against dismissal, reductions for public transport or use of transport services.