What is a cell phone thumb? | Tendinitis in the thumb

What is a cell phone thumb?

The term cell phone thumb describes a widespread disease associated with massive use of smartphones and tablets. Many people operate their cell phones with one thumb most of the time. While the actual movements for which the thumb is designed are grasping and fisting, cell phone movements are used to perform other, unhealthy movements.

When using a cell phone, stretching and spreading movements are performed, which can damage the thumb in the long run. In particular fifteen to twenty-five year olds suffer from a cell phone thumb. Those affected suffer from pain on the inside of the thumb, in the ball of the thumb and sometimes even on the inside of the forearm (thumb side).

The cause of the complaints are changes in the tendons and muscles in the area of the thumb. The cell phone thumb is often associated with poor posture, with those affected having shoulders that are pulled forward.