What is Betaisodona Wound Gel?

Betaisodona wound gel contains the active ingredient povidone-iodine and belongs to the group of disinfectants. It is used as a germicidal agent, a so-called antiseptic, in the treatment of wounds. Betaisodona wound gel contains the active ingredient in the form of a gel and is used as a fungicide (fungicidal agent), bactericide (against bacteria), sporozide (against spores) and as a virucide (virus-killing agent).

What is Betaisodona used for?

Betaisodona wound gel is used in the treatment of wounds in surgery and general medicine. Betaisodona Wound Gel can be used for the repeated, temporary treatment of burns, cuts and abrasions, pressure sores and lower leg ulcers and for infected skin diseases. The antiseptic is better tolerated than the known iodine tincture, especially in sensitive areas of the body such as the genital area and on mucous membranes.

As a rule, there is no burning pain. An abscess is an encapsulated accumulation of pus and is usually caused by bacterial infections. Depending on the size and location of the abscess, the therapy of choice is usually surgical removal (abscess splitting). Betaisodona gel or ointment can be used as a germicide after opening of the abscess. It disinfects and promotes rapid healing.

Can I use Betaisodona on open wounds?

Betaisodona wound gel is used for all open wounds that could become infected. This includes open burns, pressure wounds and abrasions. Betaisodona Wound Gel is well tolerated and is also used on the genital area and mucous membranes. In contrast to Betaisodona, iodine tincture burns due to the alcohol content when applied to open wounds.

How often may I apply Betaisodona wound gel?

Betaisodona Wound Gel should be used as stated in the package insert or after consultation with a doctor or pharmacist. Several times daily use is recommended. The duration of use depends on the signs of infection. As long as the signs of redness, warming, swelling, pain or impaired function persist, the wound gel should continue to be applied. If there is no improvement or if new symptoms appear, a doctor must be consulted.

How do I apply the wound gel correctly?

The package insert contains instructions for the use of the preparation. In case of doubt a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted. The recommendations for applying the ointment are as follows: The wound gel is applied to the diseased area several times a day.

A spatula or finger can be used for this purpose. When applying the ointment, care should be taken to ensure even distribution. If necessary, a bandage can be applied afterwards.

The colour of the wound gel can serve as an indicator of its effectiveness. If the colour is discoloured, the wound gel is no longer effective and should be reapplied. It should be applied as long as there are signs of infection.

Betaisodona Wound Gel should only be applied externally, i.e. to the skin and mucous membrane. It should also not be used at the same time as other wound treatment products due to possible interactions. Betaisodona Wound Gel can and may also be used in the genital area, for example in wound infections with pathogens or abscesses in the genital area.

However, it should only be applied externally, not vaginally. As a rule, the ointment does not burn on open wounds as it is an alcohol-free preparation. Before using Betaisodona Wound Gel in the genital area a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted to make a correct diagnosis and thus clarify whether the wound gel should be used.