What is Eye Flu?

Eye flu is a highly contagious viral disease of the conjunctiva caused by infection with the so-called adenoviruses. If eye flu is suspected, a physician should be consulted immediately, as this disease is reportable due to its high risk of infection.

How do you get eye flu?

Infection with the pathogens that cause eye flu occurs via smear infection. The disease-causing viruses are found in the tear fluid. After the affected person rubs his or her eyes, there are two possible ways the pathogens can be spread in the environment:

  1. Through direct physical contact, such as shaking hands.
  2. Indirectly by touching objects in the environment, such as door handles or grab handles in public transportation

Caution is especially important for young children, as they tend to carelessly touch all objects within their reach, which increases the risk of infection for the child. Contact lens wearers are also at increased risk, as they regularly touch their eyes, which can transmit the viruses. Recognize eye diseases: These pictures will help!

How can I protect myself from eye flu?

Although adenoviruses are very resistant and can survive for several weeks on objects such as doorknobs, it is definitely recommended to take hygiene measures such as frequent hand washing and disinfection to prevent contracting and spreading eye flu. It should also be noted that affected individuals are contagious during the incubation period, which can last up to twelve days, before the onset of symptoms.

What are signs of eye flu?

The symptoms of acute eye flu are similar to those of classic conjunctivitis, making it difficult to differentiate and diagnose. Typical signs include:

  • Reddened eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Itching or burning in the eye
  • A blurred field of vision
  • High sensitivity to light
  • A swollen conjunctiva
  • Swollen lymph nodes

In addition, flu-like symptoms are common:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Pain in the limbs

Also typical of eye flu is that the symptoms initially occur only in one eye and then spread to the other.

Diagnosis: eye flu or conjunctivitis?

Ocular flu is a particularly aggressive form of conjunctivitis that is specifically caused by adenoviruses. In contrast, common conjunctivitis can also be bacterial in origin. Due to the similarity of symptoms, it is often not easy for doctors to clearly distinguish eye flu from an ordinary, more harmless conjunctivitis. A one hundred percent correct diagnosis can therefore only be made by taking a swab from the conjunctiva. During the subsequent examination of the smear, the adenoviruses that cause eye flu can be clearly identified by the physician.

Treatment and course of eye flu

Eye flu cannot be treated with medications. However, the symptoms of eye flu can be relieved by eye drops or even eye ointments. Treatment with antibiotics is not appropriate in the case of eye flu, in contrast to therapy for ordinary bacterial conjunctivitis. The reason for this is that antibiotics are generally ineffective against viruses and would put additional strain on the weakened body due to any side effects. The use of home remedies against eye flu, just like conventional eye drops or eye ointments, can only alleviate the symptoms. In any case, you should talk to your doctor before using home remedies yourself to relieve symptoms. Common home remedies for eye flu include drinking cistus tea and applying cool rags to the eye area.

Duration and sick leave

The duration of an eye flu can vary from 10 days to 4 weeks, after which the symptoms resolve on their own. Usually, the doctor will write the patient off sick for two to three weeks. It is imperative that the patient adhere to the doctor’s prescription to prevent the spread of the highly contagious eye flu.

Consequences of eye flu

Slight opacities of the cornea of the eye may occur as a late consequence after eye flu. These opacities heal completely after a few weeks.In rare cases, however, permanent corneal opacity can occur, leading to a deterioration of vision. In this case, the patient is usually treated with eye drops containing cortisone. If this treatment method remains ineffective, laser treatment is an option, in which the corneal opacities are surgically removed.