What is its function? | Rib Cartilage

What is its function?

The essential function of rib cartilage is to ensure the elasticity of the rib cage. Since the rib cartilage also forms part of the rib cage, it also serves to protect the underlying lungs and heart. Rib cartilage consists of hyaline cartilage.

Hyaline cartilage is widespread in the body and is often found in joints. Compared to bony structures, cartilage is elastic in compression and bending. Therefore, when pressure is applied to cartilage, it can initially withstand the pressure by bending.

When the pressure is released, the cartilage quickly returns to its original position thanks to its elasticity. Bony structures exhibit these properties only to a much lesser extent – they would break quickly if the same pressure were applied. For this reason, rib cartilage is essential for the elasticity of the thorax, which is particularly important during inhalation and exhalation. In addition, the costal cartilage of the second to sixth ribs is the starting point for the thoracic muscle transversus, which moves from the inside of the rib to the inside of the sternum. This muscle supports exhalation.


Pain in the rib cartilage is usually caused by inflammation or damage to the cartilage. The pain occurs in the anterior costal arch, usually at the level of the fourth to seventh rib. Tietze’s syndrome is a well-known, but very rare syndrome associated with damage to the cartilage.

The consequences of Tietze syndrome are pain and swelling in the anterior thoracic region, mainly localized at the rib cartilage. The pain usually occurs suddenly and can also radiate into the arms and shoulders, which is why they show similar symptoms of angina pectoris and are often confused with it. The pain increases with deep inhalation.In order to exclude the differential diagnosis of angina pectoris, the thorax is palpated at the sites where the rib cartilages are located.

The cause of a Tietze syndrome is usually extraordinary strain (e.g. strong lifting/pulling) or trauma. Tietze syndrome is usually only treated with painkillers and heals itself over time. An alternative explanation for rib cartilage pain is its inflammation, also called costochondritis.

Even if the rib cartilage is inflamed, the pain may radiate to the back or abdomen. The pain is particularly increased when breathing in deeply, coughing, sneezing or laughing. As in the case of Tietze syndrome, the cause can be extraordinary stress.

But infections of the respiratory tract can also spread to the cartilage and lead to its inflammation. No treatment is usual for inflammation of the cartilage either. Only pain can be treated by prescribing painkillers.

However, heavy physical work should be avoided at all costs during an inflammation of the rib cartilage. Generally speaking, damage to or inflammation of the rib cartilage is harmless. However, the symptoms that one displays are very similar to those of a heart attack, which is why a comprehensive examination by a physician should always be carried out if pain occurs.

The rib cartilage is the connection between the ribs and the sternum. A fracture of the rib cartilage is extremely rare, but is associated with severe pain. Rib cartilage consists of hyaline cartilage and is usually elastic in compression and bending.

This means that when there is light to medium pressure on the rib cartilage, it initially bends slightly before breaking under too much pressure. As the rib cartilage increasingly begins to calcify in early adulthood as a result, its elasticity also increasingly decreases with age. This also increases the risk of rib cartilage fracture with increasing age.

Rib cartilage fractures frequently occur as a result of resuscitations or severe trauma. Because the rib cartilage forms the connection between the rib and the sternum, rib cartilage fractures are often associated with sternal fractures (sternal fractures) or rib fractures. Alternatively, rib cartilage fractures can also rarely occur.

The rib cartilage is attached to the sternum by ligaments, the ligamenti sternocostales radiatum. These ligaments can tear due to strong pressure or extreme expansion of the rib cage. In this case the connection between the ribs and the sternum is lost.

Especially deep inhalation, where the front part of the thorax is moving strongly, can cause severe pain. There is no clear treatment for both rib cartilage fracture and rib cartilage tear. In most cases, only painkillers are prescribed.

In addition, intensive care and rest are recommended for a rapid improvement of symptoms. The swelling of the rib cartilage is usually due to the so-called Tietze syndrome. Alternatively, swelling can also occur due to polychondritis.

Tietze syndrome is a rarely occurring inflammation in the area to the side of the sternum. Mostly the inflammation is located at the level of the upper ribs at its transition to the sternum, i.e. the rib cartilage. The area of the sternum causes severe pain, which can radiate into the left arm and back.

Therefore, the differential diagnosis of heart attack should be clarified in all cases. There is also a risk that the inflammation of the rib cartilage may spread to nearby organs, such as the heart and lungs. The x-ray does not show any abnormalities in Tietze’s syndrome.

Alternative differential diagnoses are other inflammations in the area of the rib skeleton, which, however, in comparison to Tietze’s syndrome, do not show any swelling and are usually localized laterally. Treatment of Tietze syndrome consists exclusively of treating the symptoms. Therefore, painkillers are usually the only way to treat the symptoms.

Polychondritis is generally described as a chronic, long-lasting cartilage disease. It is caused by autoimmune inflammatory processes in which the cartilage tissue is destroyed during a lengthy process. Since rib cartilage consists of hyaline cartilage, it is also affected by polychondritis, which can lead to swelling.However, in polychondritis, the swelling of the costal cartilage is not isolated, but a swelling of cartilage occurs throughout the body, which distinguishes it from Tietze syndrome.

Rib cartilage inflammation is the inflammation of the joint that connects the ribs to the sternum. The joint is also called the Sterno-Costal joint. The inflammation is usually accompanied by severe pain and is also called costochondritis.

Typical symptoms of rib cartilage inflammation are swelling and pain in the upper thoracic region to the side of the sternum. The pain can be very strong and persistent and can usually only be treated with painkillers until the inflammation has subsided on its own. Costochondritis is more common in young adults between 20 and 40 years of age.

The inflammation of the ripple cartilage can be triggered by various causes. One possible cause can be a severe trauma to the ribcage. Alternative triggers are transmitted infections, rheumatism or consequences of the Tietze syndrome.

The pain during rib cartilage inflammation can radiate into the back and arm. In addition, they occur more frequently with deep breathing, coughing, sneezing or laughing. As a rule, an inflammation is harmless as long as it does not spread to surrounding organs, such as the heart and lungs.

The cracking of the rib cartilage can usually be traced back to the joint that connects the ribs and sternum, the Articulatio Sternocostales. This can be found between the first six ribs and the sternum. It can easily become blocked or jammed.

Releasing this blockage or canting can then lead to cracking of the joint, but is usually completely harmless. In addition, if the ribs or rib cartilage break, the connection between them and the sternum can be interrupted. If the ribs or the rib cartilage are moved – for example, when inhaling – the joint may crack in the area of the ribs or the sternum.

If this type of cracking rib cartilage occurs, pain is definitely associated with it, while lifting the tilt of the Sterno-Costal joint usually causes no pain. Rather, the cracking as a result of lifting a blockage can relieve pain. The rib cartilage consists of hyaline cartilage.

This cartilage is characterized by its elasticity in compression and bending. Starting in early adulthood, however, the cartilage increasingly starts to calcify, which leads to increased elasticity restrictions. The reason for the calcification of the ribs are metabolic processes that occur more frequently in men than in women. In the process, calcium is deposited in the cartilage, which causes it to stiffen.