What is Reflux Disease?

Reflux comes from the Latin and means reflux. It usually refers to the reflux of stomach acid or stomach contents into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The refluxing stomach acid irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus. This is noticeable by burning pain behind the breastbone, also known as heartburn, which can radiate to the neck and upper abdomen. Inflammation of the esophagus may occur. The cause is considered to be a dysfunction of the muscle that surrounds the esophagus in the lower part. Its function is to close the esophagus to the stomach between meals, preventing the backflow of stomach contents. If this closing mechanism does not function properly, stomach acid enters the esophagus – with the consequences just described.

Diet for reflux disease

A change in lifestyle habits usually brings enormous relief. Mild symptoms can usually be brought under control by this, in other cases they reduce the discomfort considerably:

  • Four to six small meals are better than a few large ones. The last meal of the day should be scarce and taken three hours before bedtime.
  • Small, protein-rich meals have a beneficial effect on the closing mechanism, such as natural yogurt, scrambled eggs or lean fish. Foods high in fat and sugar, on the other hand, impair the closing mechanism.
  • Affected people should not drink alcohol, especially in the evening. Because alcohol weakens the esophageal muscle. For the same reason are also to be avoided: Sweets (especially chocolate), sweet drinks, coffee, black tea, hot spices, citrus fruits and nicotine. High-fat foods, for example, fatty meats, fish, cheese, fried foods, chips, mayonnaise or cream sauces should be replaced with the low-fat varieties, for example, lean steamed meats, low-fat cheeses and dairy products and so on.
  • People who are overweight should try to reach their normal weight. Because the excess pounds increase the pressure in the abdomen – when lying down, this can cause the stomach contents easier to “push” up.

Stronger or longer lasting complaints must be taken seriously and treated by a doctor. Because ulcers could form as well as scars that narrow the esophagus. Another tip for the night: sleeping with the upper body elevated prevents or reduces the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.