What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? | Clavicula fracture

What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture?

Sleeping with a clavicula fracture is often very uncomfortable, especially in the beginning, because every little movement hurts. However, the pain subsides with time. Those affected often find it pleasant if the headboard is slightly raised and a pillow is placed under the arm of the affected side.

In this way the arm is softly supported so that the shoulder and thus also the clavicle is relaxed and relieved. How the exact sleeping position ultimately looks varies from person to person. It is only important that the shoulder is not cramped or tense and that those affected are not lying directly on the side of the shoulder.

Whether a prescribed Gilchrist or rucksack bandage should be left in place for the night can be decided freely. If it is still worn, patients should ensure that sufficient blood circulation is guaranteed. If the bandage is too tight, vessels and nerves may be squeezed in certain sleeping positions.

How long after that am I incapable of working?

The total healing time of a clavicula fracture is about 6-8 weeks. Patients are usually put on sick leave during this time, as the shoulder must be protected. During this period, physiotherapy is prescribed.

How long a sick note or incapacity to work is issued after these 6 weeks depends on the profession. An office job can usually be resumed after 8 weeks. In the case of physically demanding professions, the incapacity to work can be extended to 12 weeks.

How long should I not exercise?

Patients should take sufficient breaks from sports activities to allow the clavicle sufficient time to heal completely. As long as a Gilchrist or backpack bandage is worn for the first 3-4 weeks, no sports should be done. Afterwards, physiotherapy should be carried out to mobilize and strengthen the shoulder again.

After that, the total healing time is about 6-8 weeks, you can start again with a light sports activity. Cycling, mountain biking or martial arts may be resumed after half a year at the earliest. It is sometimes even recommended to return later, after 8-9 months, because the clavicle is extremely stressed during these sports. How long after a clavicula fracture no sports may be done depends on the type of sport.

Duration of a clavicula fracture

Depending on the severity of the fracture, the time required for recovery also varies. In the case of fractures that are treated conservatively, it takes about 8 weeks until almost complete recovery. In the first 4-6 weeks, the bandage must be worn, after which physiotherapeutic treatment is indicated.

Wearing the bandage restricts mobility and thus also the activities of daily life, but afterwards a satisfactory healing result can be expected in the majority of cases. In the case of surgical procedures, good stability is ensured by inserting implants quickly after the operation. The implants differ in the question of how they remain in the body. Some can – depending on the patient’s decision – remain in the body, others have to be removed after a few weeks. In any case, it applies that the clavicula fracture already under conservative therapy can be

  • Very good recovery rate and a
  • Has a low complication rate.