What is the cause of aphthae? | Aphthae – You should know this

What is the cause of aphthae?

The causes of aphthae are still largely unexplained, but it is clear which factors promote the formation of such a pathological process within the oral cavity. Aphthae occur preferentially in women, as well as in older people. But children can also get aphthae. Especially during the time of tooth change. – Infection with viruses

  • Digestive disorders
  • Reduced resistance of the immune system due to general diseases
  • Combination of genetic (hereditary) factors and unfavourable eating habits
  • Specific injuries, which lead to the formation of a deposit of fibrin deposits due to the triggering of inflammatory processes
  • Deficiencies: vitamin B12 (cobalamin), iron and/or folic acid (vitamin B9 or vitamin B11)
  • Long lasting stress and/or lack of sleep
  • Colds and the resulting general immune deficiency

How are the aphthae treated?

The therapy is limited to the administration of drugs that reduce or eliminate pain. There is no causal, i.e. causal treatment. The repertoire for local applications is large.

It includes antiseptic solutions, pastes containing cortisone, antibiotics or rinses with hydrogen peroxide. This variety of recommendations already shows that there is no truly effective remedy. Of course, antibiotics cannot help if it is a viral infection.

Without specific treatment of the aphtae on the gums, they usually heal on their own within two weeks. – Ointments with surface anaesthetic: The most effective for treatment/therapy are ointments that contain a surface anaesthetic, such as Dynexan® mouth gel or Solcoseryl® acute, as they alleviate the pain or at best eliminate it. However, this does not achieve a faster healing process.

  • Disinfectant mouth rinses: gargling with disinfectant mouth rinses, such as chlorhexidine, is suitable for treating aphthae on the gums. – Treatment with Cystus: a citrus plant that is said to have a good effect especially on aphthae of the gums. The disadvantage of this method, however, is the very bitter and pungent taste of the natural remedy.
  • Ointments containing cortisone: In particularly pronounced cases it can be useful to consider the use of ointments containing cortisone. These inhibit the inflammatory processes in the area of the irritated gums and quickly make the aphthae disappear. There are a lot of different home remedies that can relieve the pain in the mouth.

Camomile gargle solutions are already available in pharmacies, but you can also make them yourself. Simply boil a very strong chamomile tea for this. The solution disinfects and relieves pain.

Tea tree oil has a similar effect; it is simply drizzled on after the aphte has dried. However, it should be handled with care, as it can lead to burns if used too extensively and some people are allergic to it. A zinc deficiency can also lead to aphthae.

At least 7-10mg of it should therefore be taken daily to prevent problems. Aloe vera gel can support the healing process by dabbing it on the sore spot several times a day. Rhubarb also has anti-inflammatory properties, it is therefore able to dry out the aphthae vesicles.

Other skin products are: high-proof alcohol, tincture of myrrh, balm or calendula. Last but not least, of course, good oral hygiene helps the skin to heal quickly. The treatment of aphthae with homeopathic remedies is based on the principle of similarity.

This means that the diseases are to be cured by remedies that cause similar symptoms in a healthy person as in the sick person. A number of homeopathic remedies can be used for aphthae. These include: Before using these remedies, however, a consultation with a homeopath is recommended, since the remedies can have different effects depending on the patient.

However, the effectiveness of these remedies has not been proven by conventional medicine. Apthae

  • Acidum hydrofluoricum (hydrofluoric acid)
  • Acidum sulfricum (sulphuric acid)
  • Ammonium chloratum (mineral salt)
  • Borax (sodium borate)
  • Carbo animalis (animal charcoal)
  • Carbo vegitabilis (charcoal)
  • Hydrastis (Canadian turmeric)
  • Mercurius corrosivus (mercury chloride). As with almost all diseases, there are homeopathic remedies for aphthae which help in healing.

Arsenicum album helps against the burning of the mucous membranes. Borax or Mercurius solubilis is often recommended to combat the aphthae themselves. These substances are also effective against the swollen cervical lymph nodes, which are associated with aphthae and swollen gums.

If the vesicles occur mainly in the area of the tongue, Natrium muriaticum helps. Nux vomica is the gold standard of homeopathic remedies when there are many small vesicles. However, if the aphthae do not disappear within one or two weeks, a doctor should be consulted to clarify the cause of the disease and prescribe an orthodox medicine to cure it.

In most cases, aphthae heal on their own within two weeks, so it is not absolutely necessary to take medication. There is no direct remedy against the occurrence of aphthae, but there are various ways to support the healing process. In the pharmacy you can buy over-the-counter or prescription drugs.

The remedies can be sold as spray, ointment, liquid or gel. They usually contain lidocaine, a local anaesthetic, which anaesthetises the inflamed area for a short time. In consultation with the doctor, a solution of hydrogen peroxide can be used.

This has the effect of disinfecting the entire oral cavity and killing any germs present. However, this should not be used for too long, as it has an irritating effect on the oral mucosa when used over a longer period of time. Some doctors recommend the use of minocycline or tetracycline, which suggests a bacterial infection as the cause of the occurrence of aphthae.

These drugs are prescribed by the doctor in tablet form and are usually dissolved in water, which is then used to rinse the oral cavity and spit out the liquid. To relieve the pain and inflammation, there is an ointment containing triamcinolone which can be applied to the affected area several times a day. The aphtae is now covered like a protective mantle, so that it no longer comes into direct contact with other substances and thus no pain occurs.

The healing can support the intake of vitamin B or C or even zinc, so that the healing process is accelerated and the pain disappears faster. Of course, there are also a number of home remedies that support the healing process and in most cases are completely sufficient. Camomile or sage can be used well for this.

So simply make a strong tea and rinse your mouth several times a day. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect and sage is said to have an antibacterial effect. You can also dip a cotton swab directly into the tea and then dab the affected area with it. To relieve the pain, honey can also be mixed with a little turmeric and applied to the area.