What is the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome?

Planned was a nice evening in a Chinese restaurant. It ended differently than expected – with sleep pressure, tightness in the chest, headaches. These and other symptoms can occur in the so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome (or “hot dog headache“). Behind it an intolerance to glutamate is suspected. Among other things, soy sauce is a possible culprit.

Typical symptoms of Chinese restaurant syndrome.

The following symptoms may occur with Chinese restaurant syndrome:

  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the limbs
  • Reddened skin areas and sensations of heat
  • Facial muscle rigidity
  • Itching in the throat

The incubation period can be 10 to 30 minutes. At worst, the symptoms can last a few hours.

Flavor enhancer glutamate

Glutamate, the salt of glutamic acid, is a seasoning (food additive) that is used especially often in Asian restaurants, but also in convenience foods or fast food outlets. This flavor enhancer (for example, sodium glutamate) can trigger food intolerance or allergy in sensitive people.

Glutamate occurs naturally in many foods. The “free” glutamate is industrially produced as a tasteless salt from substances containing sugar. Only in combination with certain dishes does it develop a (false) “flavor” or, under certain circumstances, override the natural taste of a food.

The existence of glutamate intolerance has not yet been scientifically proven. Studies have not been able to establish a connection between the symptoms that occur and glutamate. Therefore, another cause is suspected as the trigger of the symptoms.