What is the conception period? | Conception

What is the conception period?

The term conception period is used in German law when the question of possible paternity is to be clarified in court. Conception time is anchored in paragraph 1600d, paragraph 3 of the German Civil Code (BGB). The presumed time of conception is 300 to 181 days before the child’s birthday, whereby both the 300th and the 181st day inclusive are counted.

If the child has been conceived in a different period, this period is also considered the time of conception. If a paternity is to be clarified through legal proceedings, the man who had sexual intercourse with the child’s mother during this period is presumed to be the possible father. If there are several sexual partners in the mentioned period of time, several men can be considered as father of the child. Conception time as a legal term is used especially in the initial phase of legal proceedings as an initial suspicion to include or exclude possible fathers. As a rule, however, genetic paternity tests are nowadays supplemented for more precise verification.

What is cosmobiological conception planning?

Cosmobiological conception planning is said to predict the best possible time for the conception of a child and also to allow for sexual intercourse. This concept considers a possible conception to be subordinated to lunar phase cycles. According to this concept, the ability to conceive is always given when the angle between the sun and the moon is the same as at the birth of the future mother of the child.

Following this assumption, this means that if the future mother is born on a full moon, for example, her ability to conceive is always given on a full moon. According to the synodic moon orbit, this point in time of a possible conception is repeated every 29.5 days. In addition, these fertile phases are assigned to male or female moon phases, so that with appropriate planning of sexual intercourse, it should be possible to influence the child’s sex.What cosmobiological conception planning completely ignores are biological, medically proven facts.

A woman’s fertile and thus conception-ready days are always around ovulation. However, ovulation is hormonally controlled and not moon- or sun-dependent. Therefore, it is quite possible that a woman born at full moon becomes pregnant at new moon.