What is the difference to therapeutic fasting? | Fasting cure and crash diet

What is the difference to therapeutic fasting?

The term “fasting” was already a concept in ancient Egypt and has since been used in various areas. Fasting generally describes the partial or complete renouncement of food and luxury foods. There are however most different causes, which lead to chamfered.

These can be of religious, spiritual or healing nature. And exactly there the difference lies. With welfare-chamfered one does without solid food for a time, in order to purify and detoxify the body and in order to relieve its spirit and soul.

Healing chamfered serves thus the purpose of the recovery and is frequently used by persons with chronic diseases for Linderung of these. A fasting cure is a fixed program according to a certain concept, which is offered by different cure hotels or cure clinics and in which one can participate. The welfare-chamfered and the chamfering cure are thus like the vacation and the travel offer. They do not exclude themselves mutually, but strive for the same goal, i.e. the relaxation, regeneration and decontamination of the body.