What is the difference to Yoga? | Pilates

What is the difference to Yoga?

Probably the best known alternative to Pilates is Yoga. But how do the two concepts differ? First of all, Yoga is much more spiritual than Pilates.

Yoga has its origins in a several thousand year old tradition from India and comprises a spiritual teaching, whereas Pilates was constructed at the beginning of the 20th century and focuses on the exercises rather than on spirituality. Pilates believes that a conscious and concentrated practice is beneficial to health and self-confidence. Furthermore, both concepts differ with regard to breathing.

In yoga, breathing represents a separate exercise. Here it is essential to breathe deeply from the abdomen and through the nose. This promotes the meditative and relaxing effect.

In Pilates, on the other hand, breathing sets the rhythm in which the movements should be performed. Furthermore, in Pilates, the forceful movement is carried out during exhalation. In addition, yoga is usually practiced on a yoga mat. Some exercises include small objects such as straps. Pilates exercises like to use equipment that has been designed for special exercises.

Where does Pilates come from?

“After 10 hours you feel the difference, after 20 hours you see the difference and after 30 hours you have a new body. ” (Joseph H. Pilates). This is a well-known quote from Joseph H. Pilates, the inventor and eponym of the “Pilates” training method.

Joseph H. Pilates was considered a pioneer in fitness and health in his time. He developed his training concept during the First World War, where he helped wounded soldiers rehabilitate as a camp inmate for prisoners of war. After the First World War he refined his developed concept and combined it with his studies in Far Eastern training methods.

Due to positive training results, Pilates quickly gained publicity. The findings of his method were documented systematically and in writing and have been preserved until today. Today, stars and other celebrities have again ensured that Pilates has been rediscovered and is perceived as a fitness or wellness trend.