What is the HbA1c Value?

The long-term blood glucose value HbA1c is a very important parameter for assessing blood glucose control. It allows the physician to assess how well the metabolic control is and to optimize therapy. According to the guidelines of the German Diabetes Society, it should be below seven percent in a well-controlled diabetic.

Long-term value

The HbA1c value reflects the proportion of “sugared” red blood pigment (hemoglobin) in total hemoglobin. The HbA1c value shows what the average blood glucose level has been over the past three months, regardless of whether glucose levels have risen or fallen sharply in the meantime. Therefore, a short-term change in diet, for example giving up sweets two to three days before the next doctor’s visit, has no effect on long-term blood glucose.

What is the maximum HbA1c value allowed?

In people without diabetes, the HbA1c value ranges between 4.5% and 6.5%. In diabetics, the goal is to have an HbA1c value as close to normal as possible. Action must be taken at the latest when the HbA 1c value rises above 7 %. Even if no symptoms are noticeable yet.

Complication: late effects

80% of all diabetics do not die from their diabetes, but from the resulting secondary diseases. A high HbA1c level significantly increases the risk of later diseases such as heart attack and stroke or damage to the kidneys or eyes.