What is the Patellar Tendon Reflex?

The patellar tendon connects the lower end of the kneecap to the upper part of the tibia and is therefore, strictly speaking, not a tendon but a ligament. This is because, by definition, a tendon connects a muscle to a bone. However, because the patellar tendon is an extension of the quadriceps tendon that ends at the upper pole of the patella, it can still be called a tendon in the broader sense.

Patellar tendon reflex: evidence of neurologic disease.

The patellar tendon reflex is often checked during a neurologic examination. During this procedure, the physician taps the patellar tendon below the kneecap with a reflex hammer, which should result in extension of the leg.

If the reflex is increased, this may indicate damage to the motor nervous system. On the other hand, if there is a herniated disc or injury to a nerve, the reflex may not be triggered.